Identifying influential artists in the field and discuss how their contributions or careers shaped the development of Jazz or Tap dance in America.

Is Jazz an American Dance Form? Discuss Jazz or Tap Dance as an “American” Art form. Assignment Write a formal essay that reacts to the above statement by drawing on the history, trajectory, practices and legacies of prominent contributors and artists of Jazz or Tap dance in America. Choose either Jazz or Tap to focus […]

How does the performer weave aspects of a recognizable melody through the texture as they improvise?

You will pick from one of the Jazz musicians who are known for their improv skills, Listen for how the melody /harmony of each “standard tune” is first presented relatively straightforwardly, and then varied through several repetitions. How does the performer weave aspects of a recognizable melody through the texture as they improvise? Are there […]

Submit a 150- to 250-word reflection about the International Sweethearts of Rhythm, expressing your thoughts about the band, their experience(s), or whatever most strongly resonates with you, personally, about them.

Jazz and the International Sweethearts of Rhythm Dear Women in Music Class, For this week,complete the following: Watch the YouTube video: What is Jazz Read the NPR article, “America’s ‘Sweethearts’: An All-Girl Band That Broke Racial Boundaries” Watch the 24-minute video of the International Sweethearts of Rhythm performing Watch the 1hr 22min video of the […]

How were views enhanced/changed/shifted because of this album and/or the career of the performer?

Concert Review 1. List the track titles and performers (and their respective instrument)featured on the album.2. In regards to the album, identify the following: a. The genre (Swing, Bebop, Fusion etc.) b. The year released c. The record label3. In a paragraph of 3-5 sentences, describe the importance of thisparticular album. Consider the significance of […]

Explore the life of composer William Grant Still and the context of the world at their time. Then explore jazz, blues, and swing. Compare/contrast these styles with the music of William Grant Still.

Explore the life of composer William Grant Still and the context of the world at their time. Then explore jazz, blues, and swing. Compare/contrast these styles with the music of William Grant Still.

What specific style or movement in Jazz are they most well known for?When and how did they first reach public recognition? How popular were they?

-What instrument do they play? -Where and how did they get their start professionally? -What specific style or movement in Jazz are they most well known for? -When and how did they first reach public recognition? How popular were they? -What other well-known musicians did they perform or record with? -What song(s) and/or recordings are […]

Compare and contrast New Orleans Jazz and Chicago Dixieland Jazz

Paper details: Hi Need paper. Compare and contrast New Orleans Jazz and Chicago Dixieland Jazz Very important: think about how your topic relates to issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, or other definers of identity. Must be only SCHOLARLY resources (3 minimum) from Proquest and JSTOR. The citations to be in MLA formatting. thanks!

What do you think caused this shift in jazz from popular to art music?Discuss.

Hi – need a paper Jazz music was America’s most popular radio and dance club genre from the 1920s–40s. In the 1950s, its popularity began to dwindle, even though respect for the genre steadily grew. Today, jazz music is considered to be the equal in artistry and complexity to classical music, and it has about […]