Explain what the vision of this leader was and what made/makes them a visionary.

Create a blog post about a visionary leader of your choice. The leader must practice a strategy of innovation. You can pick someone in the public realm (Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk come readily to mind), or it could be someone you know, a small business leader with an innovative style. Your post […]

What are some of the pros-cons of a “customer-centric” approach to Amazon’s growth?

Case Study Analysis – Amazon’s Jeff Bezos: The Ultimate Disruptor! View the video, “Amazon’s 14 Leadership Principles via Jeff Bezos,” review the org chart below, and read the following case study from your case study e-coursepack: “Amazon’s Jeff Bezos: The Ultimate Disruptor!” WATCH -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-xdfQv3I1k&t=1s Critically analyze and answer the following questions.Address these issues in […]

Discuss In banning PowerPoint and asking for six-page memos, is Jeff Bezos violating any of Bailey’s six principles? If so, which ones does he seem to violate, and why do you make the case that he violates them? If not, explain why his strategy does not violate any of the six principles. Why might Bezos prefer a six-page memo read silently for 30 minutes at the beginning of a meeting to a PowerPoint presentation? What advantage might such a memo have over a PowerPoint presentation?

Please take note of Bailey’s six points of good writing (attached). Then access the following message from Jeff Bezos to shareholders at Amazon.com: Read: Message from Jeff Bezos to Amazon Shareholders   Please read only the section of this message titled, “Six-Page Narratives.” You don’t have to read the whole message. Answer the following questions […]