What does it make you think, what does it make you feel?

Chapter 2 Discussion Topic Question Written: Chapter 2 covers Art and Design. Examine the art collection at the Museum of Art and Design, choose a piece from Exploring the Collection that you find appealing showing form and function (this should be jewelry, functional ceramics, etc and not be a painting), upload it to the discussion […]

What process do you recommend for partnering with the management team to reduce turnover in the upcoming years?

  Prepare a 5-8 PowerPoint Presentation slides with speaker notes (excluding the title and reference slide); including detailed speaker notes of 200-250 words speaker notes for each slide As the new HR manager of a jewelry company, you have put together some preliminary reports for the CEO. One of the reports you compiled focuses on […]

How did the way you see yourself your self-identity influence the choice you made?

7-1 Discussion: Self-Image Purchases – This week, think about a recent clothing/jewelry purchase. Upload a picture if you wish, or explain the item in detail. How did the way you see yourself your self-identity influence the choice you made? What about your self-image is reflected to others when you wear this new item? What are […]

How does this consumption style reflect class culture, specifically level of income-taste?

Consumption Style and Status Rank Question 3: Consumption Style and Status Rank 3) Interview someone who is consciously styling their lives for prestige or “distinction” on the basis of consumption. Answer questions below to see this as a “social fact”. •What is the basis of prestige claims (e.g., clothing, cars, jewelry, cuisine, travel and vacations, […]