What is one standard that you would use to choose a strong interpretation when multiple interpretations are available?

Read through Aviya Kushner’s chapter from her book The Grammar of God. In the chapter, Kushner writes about translation and commentary as forms of interpretation, as well as describing the habit of interpretation she gained from her family and Jewish community’s ways of study. Write a brief reflective post (between 1 paragraph and 1 page) […]

What do Hindus mean when they say, “Truth does not come to the individual; it already resides within each of us”?

Why do you think that people who follow the Jewish religious tradition have experienced such a high degree of repression, genocide, and discrimination during their long history? What can you learn about a culture and its people by studying how their religion explains dying and an afterlife? The Islamic notion of jihad includes more than […]

What are the major similarities, and what are the major differences?

Cultural and Social Working with others, discuss the following topic: In what ways have globalization and new immigration patterns changed families? Have these changes been beneficial or detrimental to families? Interview someone of a culture different from your own using questions about child-rearing practices. You might inquire about methods of discipline, toys, games, topics discussed […]

Explain how Christianity understands the death and resurrection of Jesus to be at the heart of the Gospel message

final exam part 2 Write a long essay (three paragraphs or more) in response to one of the following questions. Be sure to indicate which essay you are answering (e.g. “Long Essay B”). 25pts 1. Explain how Christianity understands the death and resurrection of Jesus to be at the heart of the Gospel message. Identify […]

Which of Isherwood’s characters are most attracted to Nazism-Why-Which ones are attracted to communism?

History of Nazi Germany Book Report Prompt: In Goodbye to Berlin, Christopher Isherwood gives us a portrait of German society in the closing years of the Weimar Republic. His characters are drawn from all of the different social classes, and they have varying backgrounds and experiences. Assuming that Isherwood has given us an accurate depiction […]

How can you convince your manager that a smaller group would be better-How do you deal with John if your manager insists on him being in the group?

Examine the Nazi ideology in wiping out an entire ethnic group. How could any modern and so-called advanced and evolved nation like Germany go along so willingly with the mass murder of at least 11 million civilians? How were the Germans able to construct the facilities they built for their “Final Solution to the Jewish […]

What were the problems German Jews had to confront when they wanted to emigrate from Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1939?

Nazi Germany 1. What kind of violence (e.g. physical, economical juridical) against Jews can you identify during the time period between 1933 and 1939, and how did German authorities and German individuals try to justify these policies between 1933 and 1939? 2. What were the problems German Jews had to confront when they wanted to […]

What is the connection between some aspects of Jewish burials and those of the North American Apaches? 

Mini Paper pt 2 An artifact of death in Western culture is often the color black.  In Eastern traditions, it is often white. In other cultures, it is yellow. Why are the colors different, and why did those colors become associated with death? Does your religion or tradition have a “color preference”? Why are women […]

What sort of Christology does the New Testament present? What were the messianic expectations in Judaism of the time? What messiahs were expected?Explain

What sort of Christology does the New Testament present? What were the messianic expectations in Judaism of the time? What messiahs were expected? What sort of Christological understanding did Jesus have of himself? Did Jesus teach he was the Messiah? When did the disciples understand he was the Messiah? If so, which Messiah? Does Jesus […]