What kinds of challenges do you anticipate that the Indian companies will face in implement this new outsource strategy?

Week 2 Case Study – Case 3.2 India is Sending Jobs Abroad Case Study Background Information: In this section, you will provide a background on the case, the key points that will help to understand your responses to the case study questions. From this case, how would you describe the new of offshore outsourcing? Why […]

What companies are using them-What kind of data is being stored?

SQL research For this assignment, I’d like you to research topics like NoSQL, MongoDB, and non-relational databases and write a 2 page paper on how NoSQL databases are being using the the real world. What companies are using them? What kind of data is being stored? Try to give a full picture on the impact […]

What are the consequences of automation, is it possible to fully replace human work? Are robots stealing our jobs? How much of a threat is this to them?

Brief description of proposed activity and its objectives: The presence and the increasing expansion of the solutions offered by modern technologies (e.g. automation, robotization) cause a number of changes in the economic and social spheres and cultural, influencing the world of organizations and theirs environment. What are the consequences of automation, is it possible to […]

Explain Should future robots be built if they might take away jobs?

Find research articles about the future of robotics and ethics. Make sure to read articles that are for robotics and ones that are against robotics. Write a short (500 word) essay answering this question: “Should future robots be built if they might take away jobs?” The essay will be your opinion, formed from critical thinking. […]

What is it REALLY like to be part of the temporary foreign worker program? Are workers satisfied with their jobs, their experiences, their treatment?

BACKGROUND: Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program has been criticized in the press (or media) for its too-strict guidelines and lack of fairness to workers. There have been reports of illegal working conditions, worker abuse, and even abandonment leading many people to believe that workers who enter Canada as part of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program […]

What might be some challenges in determining appropriate compensation for the jobs? What makes some ways of determining compensation more or less fair than others? Why?

You are the Human Resources director for a new fast-food restaurant, expanding into new markets in the United States. The job analysis is complete for all positions in the restaurant and now it is time to conduct a job evaluation in the new market. What might be some challenges in determining appropriate compensation for the […]