What do you think Brian Brenberg or John Stossel would say?

Discussion board view the video below before Answering. How millennials view capitalism 1. Is going into a business career a bad thing? Why do some people think it is? How or why could it be a good thing? 2. What is “socialism”? What is “capitalism”? Do some research and summarize both. What are the positives […]

Do you have any fears that may have been enhanced by something you saw, heard, or read via some form of media?

Part one Media Hype assignment directions:(3-4 pages) Read: “Worry About the Right Things” by John Stossel Read: “The Media Likes Scaring Us” by John Stossel Watch: The YouTube Videos 2-6 from 20/20 about Media Hype. Media Hype part 2 YouTube video Media Hype part 3 YouTube video Media Hype part 4 YouTube video Media Hype […]

Write a 500-1,000 word persuasive essay in which you argue that life is or is not getting better.

Life’s Getting Worse Historian Johan Norberg reminded John Stossel that, despite our difficulties, we have many reasons to be grateful. Norberg’s book, The Story of Human Progress, cites decreases in global poverty, child mortality, illiteracy, and undernourishment. He notes that medical, technological, and scientific discoveries over the past 50 years helped produce a vaccine in […]