Explain marketing channel strategy, distribution, retailers, internet, or supply chain.

Disscussion: Place Select peer-review journal articles on one of the 4Ps – Place. Keyword search terms might include one of the following: Explain marketing channel strategy, distribution, retailers, internet, or supply chain. Once you have selected your peer-reviewed journal articles, post a synopsis of the major points from the research you read.

If your reasons for becoming a teacher have changed over time, what caused the change or changes?

Teacher Preparation and Education There are four prompt options for your initial thread. Read all four-thread options, select the one prompt that is most applicable to you and respond. Ensure your thread fully answers and explains the one prompt you selected. Thread Options: 1. If your reasons for becoming a teacher have changed over time, […]

What conclusions can you draw about the ethical issues facing business leaders?

For this assignment, attached are the articles,choose an article from SAGE Journal Articles. You may choose any article from Chapters 1-3 so long as the article is at least five pages in length. The purpose of this assignment is for you to practice reviewing articles that contribute to the industry. The authors of these articles […]

What does “right” really mean-How do you know when something is truly right or wrong? Explain and document your reasoning using scholarly and peer reviewed journal articles and/or texts.

DISCUSSION BOARD What does “right” really mean? How do you know when something is truly right or wrong? Explain and document your reasoning using scholarly and peer reviewed journal articles and/or texts.

How do retailers employ disruptive technologies for customer acquisition and retention processes?

Question: How do retailers employ disruptive technologies for customer acquisition and retention processes? Use academic journal articles and reputable publications, and examples to support your claims. Retail industry or the retail context that you will use in the essay. Identify the disruptive technology or technologies and discuss how they disrupt the retail industry that you […]

How will you emphasize the significance of preventive care and population health in the medical group setting-discuss 2 recommendations

Case Exercise: The Health Care Delivery Plan Use this template; support your writing with one textbook and two journal articles; less than 5 years; there should be a reference with each response. You have been hired to be part of a leadership team consisting of 10 primary care and 20 specialty practice sites based on […]

What are the major issues facing each level of government-What are the reasons for initiating changes to the policy?

TOPIC: Joint law enforcement efforts to combat human trafficking Identify an issue that involves federalism, then conduct research on how both the US federal government and Texas state government addressing it (this requires examining the history, application and effectiveness of laws at both levels). Step 2 – Gathering Sources Conduct research to locate three peer-reviewed […]

What opportunities are emerging and what can threaten the brand?

Brand Inventory and Brand Exploratory Write a report on a digital brand (COCA COLA). Brand Audit (Parts A, B & C) A brand audit enables the organisation to know what factors are contributing to a brands performance. An audit gathers and evaluates information about the brand and competing brands. It can be used to answer […]

Describe how you changed their social media presence. Share some of the important things you learned during the semester that you implemented.

Create a Social Media Plan for the Jewerly e-commerce company included in order SOCIAL MEDIA PLAN –Research how to create a social media plan. company included in video. Develop a social media plan for the company and work with them this semester to improve and strategize their social media presence through content creation and consulting. […]

Discuss this statement in the context of the offences of murder and manslaughter, and the correct test to be applied in determining causation in Irish law.

IRISH CRIMINAL LAW USE OSCOLA REFERENCING AND TAKE ONLY FROM GOOGLE SCHOLAR “While liability for bringing about death in homicide is based on the same principles ofcausation as in other crimes, it so happens that causation can be an issue in homicide because the path leading to death may sometimes be direct and obvious or […]