Explain the fallacy committed by the argument, and how the argument commits the fallacy

Fallacies Find an argument from a politician, journalist, or other public figure that commits one of the informal fallacies that we learned about in this module, Fallacy of irrelevant reason Fallacy of Argument against the Person, Straw Man Fallacy, Suppressed Evidence, Begging the Question, Appeal to Ignorance, Either/or Fallacy, Fallacy of the Line, Inconsistency. Find […]

Which different groups or stakeholders share common ground on the issue and can form alliances?

Intentional Abortion Prewriting Part One: Asking and Answering Questions Many of us are familiar with the six traditional journalist questions: Who? What? Where? Why? When? and How? These questions help journalists identify the details of an event so that it can be reported on clearly and accurately. However, when using journalist questions for other writing […]

What type of study was it–a survey, case study, correlational study, or experiment?

Research study about Psychology Popular media is full of stories about the latest and greatest scientific research; on the evening news, in magazines, in newspapers, and of course blogs. It’s important to evaluate these results with a critical eye. For this assignment, go through a current newspaper (online or hard copy) and find an article […]

Who is the author? Is the author a doctor? Health care provider? Journalist? When was this document published? Did it appear in a scientific or medical journal? Who is the intended audience?Discuss

five (5) of the quotations from the assigned primary sources and answer the following questions for each quotation. You may use bullet points or write a paragraph for each quotation. Who is the author? Is the author a doctor? Health care provider? Journalist? When was this document published? Did it appear in a scientific or […]

Write a feature piece on the case of SM Otieno.Explain what the case is about (what debates does it raise?), and how Kenyans have reacted to it.

The paper needs to be a full 5pages (give or take a few lines). This is the assignment prompt:Pretend that you a journalist in 1987, and you’ve been assigned to write a feature piece on the case of SM Otieno. Your editor wants you to not just cover what happened in the trial, but also […]

Who is the sports journalist – writer, photographer, broadcaster – or sports organization, team or athlete who made the most difference in the world?Discuss

Topic: Who is the sports journalist Who is the sports journalist – writer, photographer, broadcaster – or sports organization, team or athlete who made the most difference in the world?- writer, photographer, broadcaster – or sports organization, team or athlete who made the most difference in the world?

Discuss What steps should parties or stakeholders take to manage or eliminate the risks or problems that arise?

1 page research for each question and the question has to be linked to the three highflyers issues which are • Offences that may have been committed by Ben and Stef, or which they might commit imminently. • In relation to those offences, what the Herald might or might not be able to publish, and […]

Describe how much you see De Tocqueville’s observations about the United States holding true today – or not.

Alexis De Tocqueville was a French nobleman and journalist. He came to the United States in 1831 and toured the northeast, midwest and south of the country. He wrote a two volume book, “On Democracy” about his observations. Written for a French audience that was more used to the feudalism that had only recently begun […]

Identify and describe the possible roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens using specific descriptive examples.

Instructions You are attending an international journalist event and have been chosen to give a presentation of the roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens. Identify and describe the possible roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens using specific descriptive examples. Please create a PowerPoint presentation to assist you […]