What standards would you add to the current expert witness standards set forth in The Federal Rules of Evidence to prevent individuals from testifying beyond their scope of expertise?Discuss

Description 1. Consider the assertion: “Judges can distinguish between good science/scientific evidence and junk science/scientific evidence to accurately determine evidence admissibility thanks to cases like Frye and Daubert (and the latter’s ‘progeny,’ General Electric and Kumho).” a. Do you agree or disagree? b. Do you think that the standards set forth in these court cases […]

Do you think that Nussbaum has made a convincing argument that, when assessing the level of criminal punishment to which a criminal defendant is to be sentenced, judges and juries should be merciful?Discuss

Do you think that Nussbaum has made a convincing argument that, when assessing the level of criminal punishment to which a criminal defendant is to be sentenced, judges and juries should be merciful?

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of subjecting judges to the electoral process.

Topic: The Judiciary is a powerful branch of government in Canada. While the function of the courts is to administrate law, we know its powers are far more wide reaching. Given the court’s impact on the development, evaluation, and administration of public law in Canada the question remains whether or not judges should be elected […]

How are state judges selected in Texas? Discuss two different methods used in other states for selecting judges. What are the arguments for each of the selection methods you discussed? Do you think that judges should be elected or appointed? Explain your reasoning.

Description How are state judges selected in Texas? Discuss two different methods used in other states for selecting judges. What are the arguments for each of the selection methods you discussed? Do you think that judges should be elected or appointed? Explain your reasoning. How informed do you think the public is about judicial elections […]

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of an unwritten constitution

Description Essay 1 Constitution (350 words) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of an unwritten constitution Essay 2 Sources of Law (600 words) Outline the methods used by judges when interpreting legislation. Illustrate your answer with case law. Essay 3 Legal Professions (550 words) Outline the roles and duties of the following Legal Personal. Evaluate how […]

How can we explain the increase in the use of risk assessment tools in the criminal justice process?Discuss

Topic: criminology: risk assesment Paper details: Client: The two questions below need to be written out in essay form seperately: 1.To reduce the risk of recidivism, more use should be made of actuarial risk assessment in advice to judges Discuss three arguments that support and / or reject this statement. 2.How can we explain the […]

Compare the potential ethical issues of elected judges with those of appointed judges. Then, review the Code of Conduct for United States Judges . Of the five ethical canons listed, which one do you feel is the most important for federal judges to uphold and why?

Compare the potential ethical issues of elected judges with those of appointed judges. Then, review the Code of Conduct for United States Judges . Of the five ethical canons listed, which one do you feel is the most important for federal judges to uphold and why?