What exceptions would you consider adding to the exclusionary rule?

The Exclusionary Rule supports the 4th Amendment of the United States Constitution. Judicial precedence has provided both the Exclusionary Rule and exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule. In general, conservative politicians claim that exceptions are not constitutional while progressive politicians claim that they are.htps://youtu.be/bntI1MybOSM Using your reading assignment, the content above, and what you have learned […]

Brief history of special education before the 1970’s and from the 1970’s to present day referencing appropriate judicial decisions.

Special Education Law NEW YORK: 1)Brief history of special education before the 1970’s and from the 1970’s to present day referencing appropriate judicial decisions. 2)Brief description of two court cases about parental rights and students educational rights such as FERPA, IDEA, or rights of students in public charter schools or private schools. 3)At least 3-4 […]

Define limited government and analyze the manner in which America’s system of checks and balances, the Bill of Rights, and Judicial review are utilized to ensure a government that does not have unlimited powers.

Write a 3 to 4 page, typed, double-spaced paper, in MLA format on the following: Define limited government and analyze the manner in which America’s system of checks and balances, the Bill of Rights, and Judicial review are utilized to ensure a government that does not have unlimited powers. work on concept organization. Include at […]

Locate and view the video at least once, taking notes as you watch it.

Topic: M05 Assignment – Outline for Judicial Opinion Project For this project, you are an appellate court judge, writing the majority opinion for a criminal case moving through the appeal process. Support your ruling through written rationales Locate and view the video at least once, taking notes as you watch it. Complete the following steps: […]

What challenges may confront this bill, if passed, as it moves into implementation-is translated into regulation?

Then discuss one point in the legislative process where you feel that political action could be focused to either support or defeat this bill.Be specific to the bill, the process for this bill, and the legislators and committees most relevant to the bill. What action would you recommend nurses take relevant to the legislative process […]

Analyze the important issues that arise in post-sentencing cases. What is judicial or procedural error? How might a person appeal based on error? What is Habeas Corpus?

Too often the American public hears about cases only from the perspective of “what went wrong”. You should familiarize yourself with the post-sentencing procedures and issues such as legal error, appeals, Habeas Corpus, and such. Instructions In a 700-word minimum essay or 10-minute creative presentation please analyze the important issues that arise in post-sentencing cases. […]

Do you think posing a tension between constitutional contractarianism and public administrative instrumentalism correctly explains how administrative law fits into contemporary US constitutional government? Why or why not?

Assignment Question # 7 (1 Page) Students are expected to prepare no more than 1 full page concise written response to each of the questions posed. 1 – Having read the book, if you could change any three aspects of contemporary constitutional law, including judicial decisions and judicial review, what would they be and why? […]