What ways was the judiciary designed to limit the role of politics?

Topic: The Founding Fathers wanted the courts to be protected from politics. The Founding Fathers wanted the courts to be protected from politics. In what ways was the judiciary designed to limit the role of politics? Are the courts completely immune from politics in their work? Why or why not? What role does politics play […]

Explain the checks and balances of power between the U.S. Congress, the president, and the judiciary.

U.S. Congress and The President For this assignment, consider: The relationship between the U.S. Congress and the president The changes and challenges in the United States from the time of the Founding Fathers’ original vision until the present day Write a 350- to 525-word essay discussing the function of and relationship between the U.S. Congress […]

Discuss the role of the state judiciary describe each of the two tears of state courts

State and local government There will be two questions below one page for each question must be answered thoroughly and carefully backed up with logical conclusions and answers must be typed 12 point font double space in each page have your name on it with page number also if you use any source other than […]

Analyze if the United States Supreme Court can settle legal and moral issues through judiciary review. In your response, provide a documented example of a modern parallel of a legal or moral issue settled by the United States Supreme Court.

Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, pick three (3) of the leading causes of the American Civil War: The Compromise of 1850 The Fugitive Slave Law 1850 Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852 The Kansas Nebraska Act 1854 The Dred Scott Case of 1857 The Lincoln Douglas Debates 1858 Then, address one (1) of the following […]

Analyze criminal justice issues within the systems of law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections (PLO 1)

Analyze criminal justice issues within the systems of law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections (PLO 1). Evaluate the application of the social justice principles of equality, solidarity, and human rights toward building a just society (PLO 2). Apply knowledge of cultural sensitivity and diversity awareness to social and criminal justice (PLO 3). Deconstruct the relationship […]