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This article review is going to be written on Therapeutic Jurisprudence https://repository.law.miami.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4636&context=umlr http://psychology.iresearchnet.com/forensic-psychology/mental-health-law/therapeutic-jurisprudence· Provide a synopsis of the article. Make sure to address these questions: Ø What is this article specifically addressing? Ø How does this article related to your selected topic? Ø Did the article contain research? Provide a summary of the research that […]

Discuss the role Indigenous interpreters in the administration of justice-Why are interpreters necessary functionaries in the administration of justice for many Indigenous Australians?

Research Essay Purpose: To develop an original research piece addressing a key issue in Indigenous Justice Value: 50% Word count: 2000 words (+ references). You have +/- 10% leeway with the word count. Word count includes all text in your essay (i.e. in-text references, headings, etc), but excludes the bibliography. Instructions: Answer one of the […]