How is the shared theme of appearance versus reality seen in both “A Jury of Her Peers” and “The Yellow Wallpaper”?

How is the shared theme of appearance versus reality seen in both “A Jury of Her Peers” and “The Yellow Wallpaper”? How is the shared theme of freedom versus oppression seen in both “A Jury of Her Peers” and “The Yellow Wallpaper”?  

Identify and discuss the problems with selecting a jury pool that reflects our racially diverse populations.

identify and discuss the problems with selecting a jury pool that reflects our racially diverse populations. Next, suggest at least two ways that the jury selection can be improved to ensure that a criminal defendant has a jury that can be reasonably described as the defendants “peers.” Provide a rationale for your response.

Discuss From what you read, do you agree with the jury’s finding of not guilty by reason of insanity? Why or why not?

  Read the linked article about the use of the insanity defense in Texas. Lubbock man accused of burning mother alive in 2011 found not guilty by insanity – News – Lubbock Avalanche-Journal – Lubbock, TX After reading the article answer the following questions. Be sure to defend your answer with specific examples and information […]

Write a one-page reaction paper on whether or not you agree with the jury’s decision in this case. If not, why not?

Watch this video Casey Anthony Juror: “Sick to Our Stomachs” Over Not Guilty Verdict o A juror, in that case, spoke on how she and her fellow jurors felt sick to their stomach after voting to acquit Casey Anthony of charges that she killed her 2-year-old daughter Caylee even though they felt strongly that she […]