Write a 1 page essay about what the main concepts in the material in this chapter

The process of the juvenile court Read Chapter 13 Review the additional resource materials for Chapter 13. Write a 1 page essay about what the main concepts in the material in this chapter are; Add a personal statement of what you think of what you learned. https://online.bhcc.edu/mod/resource/view.php?id=1827485 https://online.bhcc.edu/mod/page/view.php?id=1827483

How have media, including, but not limited to, traditional mass media and social media, and images of policing affected the public’s attitudes toward the police?

Juvenile Justice Process 1 & 2 (Juveniles and the Police, Intake, Juvenile Court and Detention) How have media, including, but not limited to, traditional mass media and social media, and images of policing affected the public’s attitudes toward the police? Find a negatively or positively reported national or local news about juveniles encounter the police […]