How have the unique attributes of your selected population influenced the development of treatment programs for them?

Research one subculture or specialized population of juveniles, such as gang members, females, substance abusers, or those with a mental illness. Write a 1,050-word paper that addresses the following about your chosen population: What are the current probation trends for the population? What other forms of punishment and/or rehabilitation are common? What kind of targeted […]

Write your own argument about whether or not you think juveniles should be held to different standards of justice than adults because of cognitive developmental differences

Write your own argument about whether or not you think juveniles should be held to different standards of justice than adults because of cognitive developmental differences, and why, using evidence from the article, the book, and other credible sources.  

What type of mental health services does the juvenile court system have in the area you live in-Provide a 1-2 page summary

COR 205 ASSIGNMENT 7 Read through the sections on mental health and juveniles, complete research on the juvenile court system in your state, or where you live. What type of mental health services does the juvenile court system have in the area you live in? Provide a 1-2 page summary

Should juveniles be sentenced to adult prisons? Should an adult crime (robbery, murder, violent crimes) be punished by an adult sentence? Why-why not?

Week 3 and 4 Discussion Watch the film and answer the following questions. Should juveniles be sentenced to adult prisons? Should an adult crime (robbery, murder, violent crimes) be punished by an adult sentence? Why or why not? Contact Support Team for Login details.

Why do you believe that it is so hard to come up with a comprehensive definition of gangs and gang activity-What definition would you employ-why?

Answer the following questions. Responses should be 1 paragraph in length. 1. Purportedly, gangs are more likely to develop in urban, poor, and ethnic neighborhoods. Do agree with this assertion? Explain your reasoning. 2. Why do you believe that it is so hard to come up with a comprehensive definition of gangs and gang activity? […]

Discuss the treatment planning for juveniles with mental illness.Include:Issues related to suicide prevention, Strategies for motivational engagement, The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral, substance abuse, and group treatment, The role of family engagement in treatment

Write a 350- to 700-word paper on treatment planning for juveniles with mental illness. Include the following: Issues related to suicide prevention Strategies for motivational engagement The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral, substance abuse, and group treatment The role of family engagement in treatment

Explain which system you think is better and more beneficial for juveniles, the United States or China.

Topic 1 Justice Systems Around the World Zhang, L. (Oct 2008). Juvenile delinquency and justice in contemporary China: A critical review of the literature over 15 years. Crime, Law and Social Change. 50(3), 149–160. Reading will be attached. Explain the elements of informal social control that are used in the Chinese justice system. Explain how the […]

Create a 6-panel brochure discussing treatment options for adjudicated juveniles.

Create a 6-panel brochure discussing treatment options for adjudicated juveniles. Address the following: *Individual level treatment* Group programs Graduated sanctions Probation Compare inpatient and outpatient services Format your brochure consistent with APA guidelines. Note to writer- We only need to do 1-2 panels as this is a group project. We are doing only the panel(s) […]