Discuss if the court’s decision or holdings was for the plaintiff or for the defendant and what were the reasons for the decision?

This is Part II of the assignment you submitted in Week 6. Using the case outline (Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens) you submitted in Week 6, prepare and submit a presentation, which will either be a narrated PowerPoint, a Kaltura Video, or some other format as approved by […]

Explain the ways in which you used an EBP model to help develop your plan of care for the client.

Create a 5-10 minute video of yourself, as a presenter, in which you will propose an evidence-based plan to improve the outcomes for the Vila Health patient and examine how remote collaboration provided benefits or challenges to designing and delivering the care. Introduction As technologies and the health care industry continue to evolve, remote care, […]

How much your work is valued can depend heavily on how well the results of that analysis are articulated

Presenting Statistical Results for Decision Making Introduction The ability to translate analytic results into clear, concise, and actionable results is a vital skill for health care administrators. Because decision making is increasingly data-driven and evidence-based, managers are frequently required to formally present statistical results to leadership. Sometimes, decision makers differ as to how well they […]

Discuss if the court’s decision or holdings was for the plaintiff or for the defendant and what were the reasons for the decision?

This is Part II of the assignment you submitted in Week 6. Using the case outline Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens you submitted in Week 6, prepare and submit a presentation, which will either be a narrated PowerPoint, a Kaltura Video, or some other format as approved by […]