Explain Why Kansas Should remove Drug offenders from the Offender Registration.

Advocating for a Change Explain Why Kansas Should remove Drug offenders from the Offender Registration. Drug offenders being required to register inhibits successful reintegration into society and causes barriers to accessible & adequate housing, gainful employment, causes an overall stigma that these non-violent offenders are of the same type of violent offenders that the registration […]

Explain how those experiences influenced his abolitionism and his actions at Harper’s Ferry.

Midnight Rising Essay 1) You are a Union supporter writing about John Brown’s raid in 1864. Answer the following questions from your point of view about John Brown and his actions. • Examine John Brown’s early life and his family experiences. Explain how those experiences influenced his abolitionism and his actions at Harper’s Ferry. • […]

Which of the suggested countermeasures would you think might successfully addres this issue?

In the last homework we learned about the FARS database, and actually USED it While it might seem like a nice dataset to have (and it is), researchers have been using it for years to study transportation issues in this country, with the hopes of using the outcomes of these analyses for safety policy decisions. […]

Create three scenarios where you would apply the levels of prevention.

Review the following: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012). Leading health indicators Retrieved from http://healthypeople.gov/2020/LHI/default.aspx. Work group for community health and development at the University of Kansas. (2012). Section 5. analyzing community problems: Community Tool Box. Retrieved from http://ctb.ku.edu/en/tablecontents/section_1017.aspx . Discuss the following in your post: Create three scenarios where you would apply […]