Compare and contrast Nietzsche’s critique of metaphysics with the critique of metaphysical knowledge offered by Kant.

Analytical Essay Compare and contrast Nietzsche’s critique of metaphysics with the critique of metaphysical knowledge offered by Kant. In what ways does Nietzsche “go further” than Kant in his critique of metaphysics? Do you think Nietzsche’s radical critique of metaphysics is justified? Why or why not?

Write an essay of 3–4 pages in which you describe your philosophy of work, including in the essay the activities you completed earlier in the week.

For this final assignment, imagine you are a philosopher like Kant, Aristotle, and the rest, and create your own philosophy of work. Assignment- Write an essay of 3–4 pages in which you describe your philosophy of work, including in the essay the activities you completed earlier in the week. With and introduction, subtitle, 2-3 typed, […]

did you say that you only made your promise until things got tough or only as long as it was convenient to you?

To reinforce the main points presented above. Please review these two concrete examples of Kant applying Reason to right and wrong: Kant believes breaking promises is wrong. Why? Because when you make a promise, you must (it is IMPERATIVE) follow through on it. This is the logical point of promise-making. Otherwise, don’t make a promise. […]

Do you agree that this ‘solution’ is universal or as close to universal any ethical framework could get?

To reinforce the main points presented these two concrete examples of Kant applying Reason to right and wrong: Kant believes breaking promises is wrong. Why? Because when you make a promise, you must (it is IMPERATIVE) follow through on it. This is the logical point of promise-making. Otherwise, don’t make a promise. Now, we […]

Explain how respect for others is a crucial aspect of deontological theories, and how that compares or relates to the theory you selected.

Select a theory that applies to the principles of social norms. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following: Identify and briefly describe the selected theory that applies to the principles of social norms. Explain the significance of the theory and whether its principles apply to today’s societal standards. Address whether […]

What does this conception of freedom entail us to do-in your judgment-why is this a better theory than the alternatives?

Leave empty This is a critical essay here is the prompt– Of Kant, Hegel, and Marx, what conception of freedom do you find the most persuasive? What does this conception of freedom entail us to do, and in your judgment, why is this a better theory than the alternatives? The prompt is at the very […]