Why doesn’t Sylvia go with Sugar to spend the money at the end of the story?

Respond to each of the 6 stories with 350+ words each (including direct quotes). Make sure to label the story and author that you are answering questions about. You should not re-write the questions but rather just label the story you are responding put your response/paragraphs underneath the title of the story. For each post […]

Was it a reaction to a social issue (civil rights? women’s suffrage? queer theory)?

Write a 200-400 word discussion board post in which you answer the following: Choose one critical theory and give a brief history of it. How did it evolve? Was it a reaction to a social issue (civil rights? women’s suffrage? queer theory)? If so, how does this prove that critical approaches mirror or change with […]

What is the significance of freedom in the story? How does the author portray this idea?

Week 5 discussion questions The Storm” (1898) — Discussion Questions: Discuss the way in which the storm imagery works in this story?. Discuss the relationship between Calixta and Alcee. … Calixta is married: why does she do this? . Why is Clarisse happy at the end of the story? . What is the central idea […]