What 6 key take aways can you state from watching Apesanahkwat and LaDonna Harris give remarks at the History of Federal-Tribal Relations discussion in the US Capitol.

What 6 key take aways can you state from watching Apesanahkwat and LaDonna Harris give remarks at the History of Federal-Tribal Relations discussion in the US Capitol. When writing, consider how your reading informs your understanding of their comments. Let us know how your reading informs your comments/key take aways. Enumerate your responses. Apesanahkwat 1. […]

What 9 key take aways can you state from your reading Chapter 4 – Tribal Sovereignty and from the two web articles? Provide three key take aways from each reading.

What 9 key take aways can you state from your reading Chapter 4 – Tribal Sovereignty and from the two web articles? Provide three key take aways from each reading. Enumerate your responses, and be sure to include author names and page numbers for reference points. Kidwell 1. 2. 3. ABA 4. 5. 6. American […]

Identify and summarize the key claims and ideas of the uploaded pdf files “Drawing the Color Line” (Ch.2), in A People’s History of the US (Zinn 2005) AND “American Capitalism is Brutal. You can Trace that to the Plantation.” New York Times (The 1619 Project).

Paper details: Reading response paper/memo. Most importantly, the paper should briefly identify and summarize the key claims and ideas of the uploaded pdf files “Drawing the Color Line” (Ch.2), in A People’s History of the US (Zinn 2005) AND “American Capitalism is Brutal. You can Trace that to the Plantation.” New York Times (The 1619 […]

What 6 key take aways can you state from your reading Chapter 2 – Land and Identity AND exploring the Newberry Cultural Identity/Land videos?

What 6 key take aways can you state from your reading Chapter 2 – Land and Identity AND exploring the Newberry Cultural Identity/Land videos? In considering your take aways, think about them in relationship to a.) identity and the land and b.) Native and non-Native ways of knowing (and reporting history and culture). Be sure […]

What key take aways did you pull from watching Clara Sue Kidwell’s talk? Identify three key take aways focused on substantive issues. Indicate what Kidwell said by using quotations and let us know your thinking. Does your take away connect to the reading in any particular way? If so, in what way?

What key take aways did you pull from watching Clara Sue Kidwell’s talk? Identify three key take aways focused on substantive issues. Indicate what Kidwell said by using quotations and let us know your thinking. Does your take away connect to the reading in any particular way? If so, in what way? Please enumerate (number) […]