Do you think if Froebel, the “Father of Kindergarten”, were alive, he would be disappointed or happy about how children learn today?

When you think of “kindergarten” do you think of it as a garden of children? In 1837 German educator Friedrich Froebel developed and tested new educational methods and philosophies based on the structure, activity, and learning of young children. In 1840 he founded a Play and Activity Institute which he later named Kindergarten reflecting his […]

Identify any other professionals the teacher could collaborate with in the school or community to support the students who are struggling with reading.

Supporting Colleagues with At-Risk and Struggling Readers Imagine you are part of a K-3 PLC team and your colleagues come to you seeking instructional advice. Some of your colleagues are asking for your input on how to support students’ struggling with specific literacy skills. Write a 150-250 word response to each scenario that includes the […]

Describe what the speakers say about why it is important for teachers of young children to understand their own cultures?

Part 1: What kind of teacher do you want to be? Home-Based, Center? Elementary? Preschool Teacher? Early Interventionist/Supporting children with special needs? Infant Toddler Teacher? TK? Kindergarten? Identify the position that you most desire and Part 2 Complete the Multiple Intelligence Activity ( and identify and describe the 2 strengths that are the strongest in […]

How would you respond to Kurt and Alice’s concern-What are the benefits of peer relations during the preschool years?

Week 3 Discussion 2 Answer the following question by starting a new thread. Respond to at least two other students’ threads/posts. Remember you must post on three different days. Kurt and Alice are the parents of 3-year-old Morgan. They currently live in a rural unpopulated area, where Morgan rarely has opportunities to interact with other […]

Discuss the statistical significance that economically disadvantaged American students face. Especially in mathematics and early education (Grades K and 1)

Response to Intervention for Economically Disadvantaged Students in Early Education The paper discusses the need for early intervention in mathematics for American students. 1) Focus on kindergarten and grade one. 2) Focus on economically disadvantaged students. – Discuss the statistical significance that economically disadvantaged American students face. Especially in mathematics and early education (Grades K […]

Explain What is the current number of dual-language, Latino learners that areattending the transitional kindergarten class?

Research questions: (1) What is the current number of dual-language, Latino learners that areattending the transitional kindergarten class? (2) Are flyers a sufficient way to inform Latinoparents of the seriousness of enrolling their children in transitional kindergarten?