How much more time would it take if instead of dropping the rock straight down, you threw it horizontally with a speed of 5 m/s? Explain.

A diver of mass 75 kg jumps upward off a diving board and into the water. Question 2 A diver of mass 75 kg jumps upward off a diving board and into the water. The diving board is 2 m above the water. When the diver jumps, she has a speed of 2.5 m/s. How […]

Calculate the kinetic energy of the two particles before and after collision.

Deduce the final equation by using the cos and sin theta Considerer the collision between a moving particle of mass M1 and an initially stationary particle of mass M2, assume collision occurs at an angle θ defined by the initial trajectory of M1 and the line joining the mass centers at contact. 1- Calculate the […]

If the total kinetic energy after the collision is the same as that before the collision, is this an elastic collision or inelastic collision?

This assignment will allow you to demonstrate the following objectives: 4. Apply the concept of momentum conservations to daily life. 4.1 Relate impulse-momentum theorem to Newton’s second law. 4.2 Show the relationship between linear momentum conservation and Newton’s third law. 4.3 Apply momentum conservation to rotational kinematics. 5.Identify the total mechanical energy conservation. 5.1 Interpret […]

Explain results using scientific reasoning by evaluating the validity of the original hypothesis based on the outcome of the investigation and discuss improvements or extensions to the method.

You will have an opportunity to investigate 2 different options that are relevant to the topic of study. You can choose to investigate and design a lab on any of the following: 1. The main two factors that influence the kinetic energy. 2. The main two factors that influence the gravitational potential energy. For criterion […]