Explain the difference between liberalism and republicanism and the difference between left (democratic) and right (conservative) versions of republicanism using Harrington, Montesquieu, Locke, and Arendt.

Answer two out of the four questions. Your exam should be 10+ pages and include extensive textual evidence. Quotes should be appropriately cited and unpacked. Explain the difference between liberalism and republicanism and the difference between left (democratic) and right (conservative) versions of republicanism using Harrington, Montesquieu, Locke, and Arendt. Explain the influence of Puritan […]

What are the main causes and contributory factors of Cancer in KSA?

Write a short essay to discuss risk factors associated with Cancer and prevention methods in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Support your answer with evidence and examples) What is magnitude of Cancer in KSA? (2 marks) Mention the most types of cancers prevalence in KSA. (1 mark) iii.            What are the main […]

Discuss Saudi Arabia’s participation in the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Trade Regulations and Industrial Policies International trade is subject to trade regulations and industrial policies. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is also subject to these regulations because of signed trade treaties or membership in various trade organizations. For this week’s discussion, please: Discuss Saudi Arabia’s participation in the World Trade Organization (WTO). Then, compare and […]

How could a macro level approach to change management, as offered by the authors, benefit this company?

Leading the Process and Analyzing the Need for Change MGT-521 As you begin this week, remember the importance of reading the course materials, specifically the chapter readings included in the textbook. The textbook is an outstanding resource, and it contains many useful definitions and theories related to organizational change. Understanding these concepts early in the […]

Identify a problem or issue from your current practice (job) setting-past student practice setting that you think could be framed as a policy issue.

Policy Discussion Post Identify a problem or issue from your current practice (job) setting or past student practice setting that you think could be framed as a policy issue. Very briefly explain the issue / problem and choose either the Longest or Kingdom model to apply to your issue / problem. Explain why you choose […]