Did the data analysis prove or disprove the research questions? Explain.

Identify the methodology used: qualitative, quantitative, mixed? Was the chosen methodology appropriate for the study? Why or why not? Did the data analysis prove or disprove the research questions? Explain. Describe the article’s relevance to the field of knowledge. Outline the strengths and weaknesses of the article. Be specific. Based on the article, what future […]

What are the basic steps of What-If analysis?

Work with formulas and functions 18+ Perform what-if analyses Weigh factors 11.2 Action Required: Read the article in the following link: https://www.toolshero.com/decision making/what-if-analysis! 11.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): What is the significance of ‘What-If analysis’ in business for decision making process? Write with example. What are the basic steps of What-If analysis? 11.4 Instructions Answer […]

How is knowledge management different from organization learning.

Week 11: Interactive activity  11.1 Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate effective knowledge management skills to utilise knowledge management tools for the benefits of the organization. 11.2 Action Required: Click on the following link to watch a short video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INwclWL2N_k 11.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): How is knowledge management different from organization learning. Is organizational learning same thing […]

How do your perspective, background, and experience enhance your brand?

Where do you see the most significant areas of emotional intelligence exhibited in your life? Write an example and provide (3) examples of new knowledge gained from the presentation. Where are the places you feel most vulnerable? Are there times you feel unsuccessful? Why? How are you committing to OWNING your success? What are some […]

Do you agree with this statement? Explain your position.

This week you were introduced to environmental science. With some of your background knowledge, and what you have learned from your readings, consider the following statement: The world will never run out of resources because we can use technology to find substitutes; this will help us reduce resource waste. Do you agree with this statement? […]

Provide a summary of the topic of your focus by identifying the purpose for choosing the topic

Virtual treatment protocol Provide a summary of the topic of your focus by identifying the purpose for choosing the topic, your reasons why this topic is an important addition to the healthcare informatics body of knowledge, and why focusing on this topic will advance interest or awareness in the topic. Include a topic statement that […]

Discuss the difference between Deductive and Inductive reasoning with example.

Week 6: Interactive activity 6.1 Learning Outcomes: Overcome obstacles to critical thinking Avoid deductive reasoning fallacies Avoid inductive reasoning fallacies Become a critical thinker 6.2 Action Required: Watch the short video in the following link: Introduction to Inductive and Deductive Reasoning: 6.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): Discuss the difference between Deductive and Inductive reasoning with […]

Discuss the key principles of public decision making

Learning Outcomes: Examine the decision of public decision making Discuss the key principles of public decision making 4.2 Action Required: Watch the video at the following link  4.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): What is the importance of public decision-making? What are the main elements of public decision-making?