Conduct a situational analysis (environmental scan) and SWOT analysis, identify the product offerings, keys to success, and any critical issues your business currently faces, including COVID.

Required Sources: Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2016). Marketing Management. (15th ed.). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall. ISBN-978-0-13-385646-0 This week you will review the environment your organization operates in. Conduct a situational analysis (environmental scan) and SWOT analysis, identify the product offerings, keys to success, and any critical issues your business currently faces, including COVID. This […]

Describe the issue through the lens of the sustainable marketing concept. How might this perspective change your recommendation?

For this week’s discussion, review the eight (8) morally difficult marketing situations described in Table 20.1, in our Kotler and Armstrong (2018) textbook. Table 20.1 Some Morally Difficult Situations in Marketing Discuss Select one topic from the table and play the role of a marketing manager. What would you do? Explain which ethics philosophy is […]