What nutritional remedies/supplements does the public use to increase milk production? Discuss at least 5.

PAPER: HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS IN LACTATION For this paper, you will write an essay examining the use of nutrition supplements/remedies in lactation. The questions (1-5) below should all be addressed in the essay, but you can include other concepts/ideas related to the topic as well. Questions: 1. What nutritional remedies/supplements does the public use to increase […]

Would you advise that breastfeeding or bottle feeding would be best for her infant’s development?

There is much debate about breastfeeding versus bottle feeding and which is best for a baby’s physical, cognitive and socioemotional development. Based on what you have learned from the textbook, lessons and outside readings, what advice would you give to a patient who is struggling with the decision to breastfeed her 2-week-old infant. Consider that […]