What is a dissenting opinion, and what did Justice Alito say in his?

U.S. Constitution Assignment First Amendment Assignment As we have learned from our reading, the meaning of the Constitution is constantly being revised and refined by federal court decisions not just the landmark cases described in your book, but hundreds of cases that work their way through the court system every year. The First AmendmentLinks to […]

What law did the Court base their analysis on and why was it important?

Week 5 What was the case about? Who did what to whom?include all facts the court considered significant. Summarize in your own words. What law did the Court base their analysis on and why was it important? What was the outcome of the case? Did the court affirm the lower court’s decision, reverse it, and/or […]

What would you do in this situation and why?

Suppose that as a real estate investor, you got a great deal on an old historic building. The area around this property is becoming increasingly popular and you want to capitalize on the growth and potential increase in value. You have drawn up plans that include tearing down the old building and replacing it with […]

Do you agree with The High Court’s stipulation on the standard of evidence required for adjudication of a juvenile offender? Why or why not?

Read In Re Winship and conduct a legal brief on this landmark ruling. A legal brief requires the following: the case title, statement of the issue of the case, the details of the case background, and the way in which the court ruled, with an explanation supporting that ruling. Two pages are required in APA […]

How do these figures or landmark documents directly or indirectly affect American political thought and the development of the American political system

American Philosophy Short Answer Assignment Below 2 American Philosophers quotes Paper: Interpret what the quote means Write to the essential question Explain how you see their influence on America’s government system and American society MLA format Double space Essential Question: How do these figures or landmark documents directly or indirectly affect American political thought and […]