How can you improve the environmental law landscape in the US so that it is fit for the environmental challenges we are about to face in the future?

This paper is for an environmental law semester final. Has to be a detailed paper on environmental law in the US. Be sure to include: What good about the way the US handles environmental laws? What does not work with the way the US handles environmental laws? Where is environmental law headed in the US […]

Identify and research two strategies (e.g., specific interview, observation, test) (any type of assessment) designed to assess the construct.

Description 1.) Select a construct that you are interested in (e.g., mindfulness, resilience, depressive symptoms) Generativity (middle adulthood) 2.) Create an assessment question (e.g., “What is the best strategy to assess…?”) relevant to a construct of your interest (e.g., anxiety, emotional regulation) among your desired population (e.g., in adult clients). 3.) Identify and research two […]

Compare the circumstances that lead to, and the consequences of, river floods versus flash floods.

Written Assignment 5 Answer the following questions: Compare the circumstances that lead to, and the consequences of, river floods versus flash floods. Describe the distinctive characteristics of glaciated landscapes and the processes by which they were formed. Explain how aeolian processes can have both destructive and constructive effects on the landscape. Provide an example of […]