What was your experience viewing and responding/reviewing each of the photographer’s work?

Make a power point, with 15 images based on photographs on websites provided. One important aspect of learning about photography, is to explore what other photographers are doing and what kinds of photographs they are making, why they are making them and how they make photographs yhat are compelling cohesive statements. This assignment requires you […]

Does the natural landscape differ depending on what area of it you’re visiting?

Introduction: Natural landscapes are all around us, but how often do we stop and examine our natural world more closely? Even within a single landscape, we can find layers of meaning, varying representations of nature, and human influences. For this exercise, you will be an environmental geographer observing, identifying, and interpreting a natural landscape. The […]

Describe the image and the style in the photograph from the chapter. Then, do the same with your modern selection.

HU200 Course Assessment Module One: Photography For this assignment you will apply the concepts of photography you learned in this unit to compare and contrast two photographs from the chapter on photography to two photographs from your life. For example, the photographs from your life could be of your ancestors, smartphone photos of pets or food, […]