Discuss the impact a language can have as revealed by stories such as “Jesus Shaves” or the poem “Ode to American English.”

Choose to answer/address one of the following questions/prompts in your 5-paragraph essay: 5) Discuss the impact a language can have as revealed by stories such as “Jesus Shaves” or the poem “Ode to American English.” 6) In what way does David Sedaris’ “Jesus Shaves” reveal hidden assumptions of ethnocentrism and cultural superiority?

Are Chinese movies considered to be an effective media for improving language skills in the students opinion?Discuss

1.Do Chinese language learners watch Chinese movies? 2. What’s their opinion on watching Chinese movies to develop their listening skill? 3. Are Chinese movies considered to be an effective media for improving language skills in the students opinion?

“Quarter of a million distinctive [Anti-Poll Tax Federation] window posters flew off Clydeside’s presses in 1988 alone. Each had a big, bold NO on the front as in NO Poll Tax here or Castlemilk says NO to the Poll Tax. This was a design pioneered in Govan to great effect. On the back of each poster we printed a list of the questions which came up most at meetings and answered each one. It gave simple facts in simple language: No one in Scotland can be jailed for non-payment. No one goes to court for non-payment. Non-payment does not affect your house — whether it is rented or bought. There are no fines for non-payment, the £50 and £200 fines are for non-registration. The penalty for non-payment is a 10% surcharge — £30 in Glasgow”.What does this primary source extract contribute to our understanding of the Thatcher years?

Extract from Tommy Sheridan with Joan McAlpine, A Time To Rage (Edinburgh, 1994), pp. 78-9. Quarter of a million distinctive [Anti-Poll Tax Federation] window posters flew off Clydeside’s presses in 1988 alone. Each had a big, bold NO on the front as in NO Poll Tax here or Castlemilk says NO to the Poll Tax. […]

What did you learn about the target culture? Which greetings did you learn? Does the target culture use a number system similar to ours? What other information did you elicit?Discuss

1. For this assignment, you will interview someone who speaks a language other than English, and elicit linguistic samples from them to analyze the similarities/differences between their language and English (sound system, spelling (symbols), sentence structure/word order, etc.) See guidelines below for the type of data to collect/include in your project. Elicitation (Group/Individual) Answers (14 […]

Analyze this passage from: The Columbus Pamphlet

Analyze this passage from: The Columbus Pamphlet (attached). When doing your analysis make sure you articulate what you see in the language, what it means, why is significant in its contemporary time ad why it is important for us in this moment. Pull in textual evidence from the passage provided using MLA format (the quote […]

Discuss the interaction between language and multiple social variables.

Introduction: sets the expectations for the reader. It is NOT a place to present your arguments, save that for the main body. Outline the aim of your assignment. Briefly mention the key theories and authors you rely on to make that case. Inform the reader of your main conclusion (say what are you arguing for, […]