Calculate the number of favorable comments above 7 points needed for each platform, which can be improved to 8 points

Report about Serene Vegas Boutique Hotel Las Vegas Specify target websites for statistics, including booking, Expedia, Agoda and Ctrip. In terms of monthly statistics, from August 2022, the number of favorable reviews with more than 7 points and negative reviews with less than 7 points for each of the four platforms in each month shall […]

How might southern Nevada’s fate have been different if it had remained part of Arizona?

PSC Discussion 1 How might southern Nevada’s fate have been different if it had remained part of Arizona? What would Las Vegas have become if it had been part of a state where gambling is limited to tribal areas? Given how much of Nevada’s population and economy is in southern Nevada, what might this have […]

What are some steps that could have been taken to overcome the barriers you identified in part 1?

1) Utilizing publicly available search engines, identify an example whereby lack of information sharing among criminal justice organizations may have contributed towards a negative outcome. Discuss some factors that served as a barrier to exchanging information among relevant agencies. Using the public engine Google Scholar, I was led to an article on miscommunication leading to […]