Identify the opportunities of duty savings/reductions by applying and assess best approaches using FTZ, Bonded Warehouses or Duty Drawback Program Discuss the approach involved with evaluating each potential solution.

Logistics Project – Challenge Section 1 – You are an importer that will undertake a short-term logistics project that requires importing Widgets from China. Volume is estimated 2 containers weekly starting next month (In 40 Footer containers per week for the next 8 weeks). Each container is a shipment. Commodity is Electronics & Value is […]

Explain the difference between the peninsulares and the creoles in Latin America-Why were the creoles often resentful of the peninsulares?

Answer these questions in as much detail as possible. 1. Explain the difference between the peninsulares and the creoles in Latin America. Why were the creoles often resentful of the peninsulares? 2. Identify and explain two significant contributions made by Jose de San Martin. 3. Identify and explain two significant contributions made by Emilio Zapata […]

Write an essay discussing American foreign policy in the period between 1890 and 1920.

American Foreign Policy between 1890 and 1920 The essay should be approximately 1000-1500 words. Please use one inch margins and double-space or space and a half. Make sure the title of your essay clearly refers to the specific question you’re addressing. In writing the essay make sure you have a clear introduction, main body paragraphs, […]

Define music as you think an African would. Use at least three specific examples from the Africa lectures to support your definition.

part1 (1page):I attached 3 powerpoints related to this, Write a short essay (about 1 page) on the following topic: Define music as you think an African would. Use at least three specific examples from the Africa lectures to support your definition. ==================================== part2(1.5 pages): latin America file attached, Please answer these questions about the Latin […]