What is her/his level of satisfaction in this career, and in what ways does she/he plan to continue to challenge him/herself in this career?

Career Development Counseling Interview a person who meets one of the following criteria: (a) a high school student considering the transition to college or employment, (b) an adult who lost his/her job, or (c) an adult considering a career change. You will chronicle the individual’s career development pathway to this point in her/his life. Prepare […]

What are the socioeconomic factors associated with high mortality rates among the Latino population in Los Angeles, California, USA, during the COVID-19 pandemic, from March 2020 until August 2021?

What are the socioeconomic factors associated with high mortality rates among the Latino population in Los Angeles, California, USA, during the COVID-19 pandemic, from March 2020 until August 2021?

If you were an antiracism educator in an elementary school in the United States, what role do you think anthropological insights about prejudice and discrimination should play in your work?

1. How did Africans become “black” and Europeans become “white”? 2. If you were an antiracism educator in an elementary school in the United States, what role do you think anthropological insights about prejudice and discrimination should play in your work? 3. How did the US census play a role in the rise of Latino/a […]

What are some of the public health laws that have been enacted to address obesity in this country?

Final Examination: Global Health Issues Research has shown that there is an increased prevalence of adult and childhood obesity in Black and Latino populations in this country. What factors are  contributing to this disparity? What are some of the public health laws that have been enacted to address obesity in this country? What about in […]

Explain What is the current number of dual-language, Latino learners that areattending the transitional kindergarten class?

Research questions: (1) What is the current number of dual-language, Latino learners that areattending the transitional kindergarten class? (2) Are flyers a sufficient way to inform Latinoparents of the seriousness of enrolling their children in transitional kindergarten?