Provide two explanations for why the cultural perspective may have better explained the findings than the social integration perspective.

Q1. Findings from Cabrera et al. (2019) found that the cultural perspective, rather than the social integration theory, better explained the findings that foreign-born Latina mothers were more likely to remain in stable family structures than U.S.-born Latina mothers. Provide two explanations for why the cultural perspective may have better explained the findings than the […]

How are these aspects of familism depicted in La Mission?

Chicanx/Latinx Cinema Assignment Familism refers to the centrality of and loyalty to the family and to the prioritizing of family unity and needs over individual members’ interests and needs. This concept hasthe potential to be detrimental since patriarchal privilege is present in many Latinx families. Familism reinforces hierarchical power relations that encourage women to act“for […]

Why do you think this text has been included in the Latinx and American literature canons for the last 30-50 years?

How The Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents Pick one of the readings in this module and critically evaluate why this text is considered part of the Latinx literature canon. In a short essay, 2-3 pages (750-1000 words), answer the following questions: Why do you think this text has been included in the Latinx and American […]