Compare between Canada and India with how sub-national units (i.e. provinces) can and should be held accountable for breaching investment treatifktes that the state entered into.

Topic: International Investment Law: A scheme to hold provinces accountable Paper details: Please write 2000 words on a comparison between Canada and India with how sub-national units (i.e. provinces) can and should be held accountable for breaching investment treatifktes that the state entered into.

What are the punishments (category of offense [felony or misdemeanor and grade or level] and term of confinement/fine) for noncompliance with the registration requirements?Discuss

1 Your state’s regulations that are specific to registration of the sex offender, that is, tell what crimes trigger sex offender registration. Many sex offenses fall under the registration law while others do not. Within this topic heading provide a link to your state’s laws which establish the triggering crimes. (In your paper identify this […]

Determine whether your jurisdictions in KENTUCKY, have policies and procedures in place for issuing “protection orders”. Detail these provisions and develop a position paper examining the effectiveness of “protection orders” by citing recent and relevant sourcfktes in support of your position.

Using your assigned readings and the additional resources provided about intimate partner violence as reference points, determine whether your jurisdictions in KENTUCKY, have policies and procedures in place for issuing “protection orders”. Detail these provisions and develop a position paper examining the effectiveness of “protection orders” by citing recent and relevant sourcfktes in support of […]

When the capacity to think clearly or the ability to communicate objections effectively are diminished, does that indicate a logical direction for schools to take?Discuss

Understanding the statistically significant relationships between sexual victimization and socio-psychological factors, develop a policy which will reduce the risk of sexual assault on a college campus. To accomplish this, you will need first to research the relationship between the characteristics of the traditional college lifestyle which might lead to an enhancement of the opportunity to […]

What are the punishments (category of offense [felony or misdemeanor and grade or level] and term of confinement/fine) for noncompliance with the registration requirements?Discuss

1 Your state’s regulations that are specific to registration of the sex offender, that is, tell what crimes trigger sex offender registration. Many sex offenses fall under the registration law while others do not. Within this topic heading provide a link to your state’s laws which establish the triggering crimes. (In your paper identify this […]

Discuss the procedures involved in probation revocation. What are the rights of the probationer? Is probation a privilege or a right?

Discuss the sentencing dispositions in your state jurisdiction. What are the pros and cons of each? Compare the various types of incarceration sentences. What are the similarities and differences? Why are many jurisdictions considering the passage of mandatory sentencing laws? Discuss the issue of capital punishment. In your opinion, does it serve as a deterrent? […]

Which costs taxpayers more, sentencing someone to death or sentencing someone to life in prison?Discuss

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was sentenced to death on June 25, 2015, for his role in the Boston Marathon bombing. Based on the history and the use of the death penalty, what year do you believe Tsarnaev will actually be put to death? Does the death penalty deter crime? Why or why not? Which costs taxpayers more, […]

Compare and contrast the theories associated with each of these categories and identify whether or not the theoretical foundations are applicable to all three types of victims. Provide hypothetical examplfktes to help illustrate your position.

Because most perpetrators are caretakers, the explanations and abuser characteristics for cases involving the maltreatment of children, the elderly, and special needs individuals typically fall into three common categories: (1) sociocultural explanations, (2) social learning, and (3) intra-individual theories. Compare and contrast the theories associated with each of these categories and identify whether or not […]

Discuss the relationship between the characteristics of the traditional college lifestyle which might lead to an enhancement of the opportunity to be victimized.

Topic: Sexual Victimization and Socio-Psychological Factors Paper details: This written assignment requirement is for a paper submitted in APA format, using 12-point font, double-spaced, and attached to the link as a .doc or .docx file. Your assignment must include an introduction, body, and conclusion, and it is anticipated that a thorough examination of this topic […]