Which approach would most likely be the best to use for an interest group that does not have much money to spend to advance its goal? Why is the chosen approach superior to the other approaches?

Topic:Interest groups use a variety of approaches to advance their goals, including violent protests, appeals to the public, approaching the judiciary, approaching lawmakers, and demonstrations. Which approach would most likely be the best to use for an interest group that does not have much money to spend to advance its goal? Why is the chosen […]

Discuss,Should lawmakers implement laws to force individuals with these types of conditions into programs to address potential issues? Why or why not? Should something be done before deviant behavior occurs? What about after? Would your attitude change if the person was yourself?

Chapter 3 looked at psychosocial and biosocial theories for criminal behavior. Several biological issues such as a low resting heart rate and low serotonin levels have been associated with deviant behavior. Should lawmakers implement laws to force individuals with these types of conditions into programs to address potential issues? Why or why not? Should something […]