Identify and discuss the management skills that each candidate possesses.

Analyze the three (3) candidate profiles the HR Director has provided to you. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each of the candidates. Select the top (3) candidates and rank order them 1, 2, and 3. One (1) is the highest rank. Explain why you would select the candidate you did as being your number […]

Critically discuss the role and responsibilities of senior leadership in information governance in the context of Procter and Gamble

1. Conduct a literature review that critically discusses the concepts of a. Information Governance b. Information Security and their importance in information management. Find and discuss relevant literature (peerreviewed literature is preferred, such as journal articles, conference articles, with books, white papers, practitioner literature, and blog articles having a little less weight). Weight: 20% of […]

Critically evaluate the concepts of task vs situational leadership of the Lead Nurse in charge of a cardiac arrest management case in a hospital base environment.

Description Leadership and Effective Nursing Care on a Cardiac Arrest Management 1. INTRODUCTION: Signposting, Rationale and Leadership Definitions The aim of this essay is to critically evaluate the concepts of task vs situational leadership of the Lead Nurse in charge of a cardiac arrest management case in a hospital base environment. The essay will further […]

Discuss on the impacts of success in leadership (corruptive nature of leadership); justification based on intent, means or outcome (ends/means); and individual versus group-centric approaches to leadership ethics (being good among many who are good).

Description Each student will write a paper that discusses and responds to the principal challenges to the possibility of ethical leadership: the corruptive nature of power, ends justifying the means (dirty hands) and being good among so many who are good. Specifically, you may wish to focus on the impacts of success in leadership (corruptive […]

Propose a different leadership style may work better with Beverly.  Suggest some of the strategies, using the leadership style you propose, that Wanda could begin employing with Beverly (and the rest of the staff) to achieve more positive outcomes.

Read the Case Study “The Worst Part Was That She Was Often Right”  and consider the case questions at the end from a Leadership Style perspective.   Consider the leadership style being demonstrated by Wanda and how this might need to change. Propose a different leadership style may work better with Beverly.  Suggest some of […]

Discuss According to the authors of the articles, why is the concept important to an organization’s leadership?

Description Choose a DB topic that you have written about this term (in this class) that you would like to further explore and write a 900 – 1000 word paper on the topic. The paper will have 5 scholarly articles, which have been published within the previous 4 years; you may use articles used in […]

Explain the importance of leadership in EMS.

Description This research paper should emphasize the importance of leadership in EMS. This can be in regards to industry, patient care, emergency medicine, etc. This paper should be 4 pages (1 title page, 2 body pages, 1 reference page). You should utilize at least 3 scholarly articles. This research paper should be done in APA […]