Explain Should you refuse the soda company’s funding in an effort to avoid sending children and families mixed messages about the healthfulness of soda? Or, should you accept the logo in exchange for the opportunity to send health education materials to many more people?

CHOOSE A DILEMMA Select one of the following dilemmas to use as a “launching pad” for your discussion about ethical leadership in public health: As director of a local Public Health Department, you are contacted by a local newspaper reporter for comment about the role of climate change on the health of the community.  While […]

Write an essay defining leadership as an agent of social change in today’s global business environment. Describe its humanistic, rather than economic objectives, in developing people, society, ethical standards, and the human condition in general.

Description Write an essay defining leadership as an agent of social change in today’s global business environment. Describe its humanistic, rather than economic objectives, in developing people, society, ethical standards, and the human condition in general.

What has been your greatest learning moment that has affected the way you lead?

How would you describe your leadership style? What do you value most as a leader? How do you get others to accept your ideas? What are the most difficult decisions to make? How do you encourage the development of your employees/those you lead? What has been your greatest learning moment that has affected the way […]

List and briefly discuss at least three types or methods of training that can be used for employee training. Of the three, which would you select to train the retail employees, and why? Be specific.

Critically analyze and discuss any researched (web or textbook) training process model you may consider for use in developing employees (Here’s an idea: The Addie Model or exhibit 7-1, page 230 in the textbook). Then, identify and discuss some possible challenges that might be faced in implementing a new training process in the company. List […]

Explain Do you use your personality traits to convince followers to support you? Do you build relationships with others using your leadership skills, creating a bond where you work towards a common goal? Do you serve a collective group with a passion for a particular issue?

Description No sources needed! Please answer just by using your own words. Thank YOU! Level of Leader Identity describes how you display and deploy your leadership behaviors. Do you use your personality traits to convince followers to support you? Do you build relationships with others using your leadership skills, creating a bond where you work […]

Explain What aspects of this theory best explain its ability to describe leadership?

Discussion Assignment After reading “Leadership Theories and Style: A Transitional Approach,” Identify and discuss one theory you believe is the most important in today’s global economy. What aspects of this theory best explain its ability to describe leadership? In your replies to others, discuss how your view may be similar or different from theirs. Servant […]