Critically evaluate the use of opportunities for creative challenge and/or contribution throughout the lifecycle of the change.

Critically evaluate a recent change within an organisation, applying relevant theory to the way in which the change was identified, promoted, governed and (if relevant) adopted, and assessing the organisation’s readiness and resistance, and the opportunities where the likelihood of success might be increased. Critically evaluate the use of opportunities for creative challenge and/or contribution […]

What would you do in this situation and why?

Sometimes organizational leaders, upon later reflection, tend to point to only the positive things they did, especially during a significant organizational change. For this question, we are asking you to take a critical look at the actions Peter Loescher (also spelled Löscher) did as CEO of Siemens. This question involves two videos recorded by Loescher […]

Summarize EMTALA and the hospital’s obligation to comply with it.

As the manager of a community hospital’s Emergency Department, you have been tasked with developing a policy to prevent patients from receiving ED services for non-emergent conditions. Prepare a policy draft to be reviewed by the hospital’s leadership team. This team includes legal counsel, physicians and registered nurses, as well as chief operating, financial, and […]

Why do social relationships matter so much to us? How do we manage social relationships in the workplace?

Why do social relationships matter so much to us? How do we manage social relationships in the workplace? Recall a recent conflict in a current or past romantic relationship. Was one of the three dialectical tensions at the root of the problem? How did you go about handling the dialectical tension? Was one of the […]

What is organizational change and/or change management? Why is organizational change necessary? who does it effect?

Thesis question: Using the Burke-Litwin change model, how can management/leaders implement this model to create the least barriers and challenges during organizational change? A. Explain Burke-Litwin change model B. What is organizational change and/or change management? Why is organizational change necessary? who does it effect? C. Why is the role of change management important in […]

Discuss the behaviors or experiences that exist in the unfilled in areas – the things that are keeping you from maximizing your leader identity strength. How can you develop those skills?

Strength is the extent to which you identity with being a leader. When others grant us leadership or when we are successful in leadership endeavors, we strengthen our leader identity. Please share some claiming and granting behaviors you’ve experienced that strengthen how you identify as a leader. Also, discuss the behaviors or experiences that exist […]

What can Ontario educators learn from the educational frameworks in the other two provinces/countries?

Review Paper Using the Ontario Leadership Framework document, compare and contrast specific concepts found in the Leadership Frameworks from three provinces or countries. One of the provinces must be Ontario. using literature and the relevant school leadership frameworks to structure your paper, you are being asked to develop a theoretically-informed review paper that demonstrates: 1. […]

Analyse Postecoglou’s leadership practices in Brisbane Roar football team using leadership theory and determine what would work in other organisations.

Description You will be given three questions based on the case study but you only need to answer TWO of them. It is your choice on which question you want to answer. If you answer all three questions, only the first two answers will be marked regardless of the question order. You are required to […]

Discuss what employees can and cannot openly say about their co-workers, leadership, employer, and the President of the United States.

Create a 10-slide PowerPoint to include, at least, two visuals (ex: table, chart, picture, or drawing) to enhance the presentation. The presentation will be directed towards supervisors to discuss what employees can and cannot openly say about their co-workers, leadership, employer, and the President of the United States.

Reflect upon your drawing, how your drawing changed as you discussed it with others, and what you personally feel like your drawing is saying about leadership. Include some reasons or examples of why this leadership definition is meaningful to you. Do you represent the type of leader in your drawing? Why or Why not?

Description Hello, this is a discussion, not a paper. Answer by using your own words. Attached is my drawing. Thank You. -Please reflect upon your drawing, how your drawing changed as you discussed it with others, and what you personally feel like your drawing is saying about leadership. Include some reasons or examples of why […]