What impact does a principal’s leadership style have on teacher burnout?” is easier to research and can be covered in more depth.

From the problem you have identified in Course Project: Identifying a Problem Assignment, develop a quality research question. It is essential to develop a specific research question that holds your interest so that you can focus your research and your paper. For example, researching a broad topic such as “Education Leadership” is difficult, since there […]

Based on the results of the self-assessment activities you completed this week, analyze your current use of positive and negative cueing strategies in your own self-leadership. Provide specific examples to support your response, including an assessment of how effective you are in this area.

Submit a 5-paragraph essay in which you analyze your own readiness in the area of personal leadership. You must use the Week 2 Assignment template found in the Important Documents for the Week. For each of the following sections, be sure to include specific examples, scores, or other details from one or more of the […]

Discuss Is there a relationship between school leadership and student academic achievement as measured by standardized test and graduation rates?

This research study will seek to address the following research question: “Is there a relationship between school leadership and student academic achievement as measured by standardized test and graduation rates?” Please address the following two questions: 1. Data Collection – describe the methodology chosen to address the research question. 2. Data Analysis – describe three […]

What does Personal Leadership Mean?What is Leadership?Discuss

without using words that are too complex, write a 4 page essay. Include intro and conclusion. Make sure to answer the questions completely. Pay attention to grammar. Again, be sure to not make it sound too complex. This is a high school level essay so use simple daily words. I. What does Personal Leadership Mean? […]

How do the readings and videos apply to you as a current (or future) senior leader in an organization?

Attached is a midterm assignment for mba class. I needed to answer set of question, which are: 1-choose one (or more) of the contingency frameworks and show how it (they) apply to a personal leadership situation involving you or an organizational leader you know. 2-Which (there can and probably should be more than one) including […]

Examine the below Nine Multicultural Principles , how do these benefit you in your current position or how will incorporating these principles in any leadership position be a benefit, it at all?

Download Bordas Principles. In the Introduction, discuss in your own words how Crafting Multicultural Leadership is very important to you and society. Mention your views and opinions here. Uses pieces of the article to support your writing. Read through Bordas pages 17 through 21 and incorporate your thoughts on the Article ( Be honest and […]

What power do we have as a consumer? How can we change the way media portrays women and girls and the ways in which women and girls view themselves?

The director and interviewees in Miss Representation talk candidly about their experiences with sexism. What connections or empathy did you feel with the experiences presented in the film? What are your unique experiences? Some critics claim the “glass ceiling” no longer exists for women in entertainment. Others argue that the successes of Nancy Pelosi, Hillary […]

What is the purpose of the group? Is anyone welcome?How are the meetings run?What style of group leadership did you see?Discuss

Visit one meeting of the group. Observe the group interaction. • What is the purpose of the group? Is anyone welcome? • How are the meetings run? • What style of group leadership did you see? • How much participation did you see? • What topics were covered? • Did it seem as if the […]

What do you feel are the key components in communicating a proposed strategic plan for stakeholders?

1. How do you consult with stakeholders who are most impacted by the project work or outcomes, and include them as partners in the team? 2. What do you feel are the key components in communicating a proposed strategic plan for stakeholders? 3. How would you build a leadership team as well as other stakeholders […]