Choose a primary leadership theory integrating recent research (within the last five years) and noted best practices into the discussion.

Paper details: Each student will choose a primary leadership theory integrating recent research (within the last five years) and noted best practices into the discussion. This assignment will assist you in become familiar with your selected leadership theory, the practice of scholarly research, and the process of APA writing. Each thread must be approximately 600 […]

What “habits of mind”, i.e., ways we think about how we organize ourselves and operate within that organization, may be no longer in sync with our organization’s strategic intent and changing environment. How does context influence those habits of mind? What leadership actions could begin to assess and learn new habits of mind?

What “habits of mind”, i.e., ways we think about how we organize ourselves and operate within that organization, may be no longer in sync with our organization’s strategic intent and changing environment. How does context influence those habits of mind? What leadership actions could begin to assess and learn new habits of mind?

Discuss three key ways that leadership and management theory has evolved over time from the industrial age to the present.

Imagine that you have been asked to deliver a presentation about the evolution of leadership to a high school leadership class. Create an eight- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation (excluding the title and references slides) that addresses the following: Discuss three key ways that leadership and management theory has evolved over time from the industrial age […]

Compare and contrast Maxwell’s view of leading form anywhere with the Native approaches described by McLeod, Resick, et al., Wilbur, and Warner and Grint. Pay special attention to the tensions involved in leadership and the role of ethics in being a leader.

submit a paper that compares and contrasts Maxwell’s view of leading form anywhere with the Native approaches described by McLeod, Resick, et al., Wilbur, and Warner and Grint. Pay special attention to the tensions involved in leadership and the role of ethics in being a leader. Use all of the assigned readings and at least […]

Discuss:How has Cardinal’s principles and values shaped the ethical behavior of employees?

Case 7 Read “Ethical Leadership at Cardinal IG” on pages 563-571 of your textbook. Use the Case Study Template shown in Canvas. Download this to your computer and write your case study on this document. Save and submit your Word document in Canvas. In your case analysis, you should have the following: In the first […]

Describe the primary lessons you gained from this experience, the value of interviewing leaders, and the impact this approach has on leadership

This is the last assessment that is related to your leadership interviews. For this assessment, use the narrative and summary of your interviews to complete the following analysis: Leadership theory: Summarize the leadership theory that you used to develop your interview questions. Analyze how the questions you asked and the data you collected during the […]

Reflect on how the concept of framing, as introduced in this program by Bolman and Deal (Reframing Leadership) and Fairhurst (Framing: The Language of Leadership), relates to the concepts proposed by Edmonson and Jarzabkowski in this course. Consider how framing occurs or may best contribute to strategizing from multiple levels of the organization.

Reflect on how the concept of framing, as introduced in this program by Bolman and Deal (Reframing Leadership) and Fairhurst (Framing: The Language of Leadership), relates to the concepts proposed by Edmonson and Jarzabkowski in this course. Consider how framing occurs or may best contribute to strategizing from multiple levels of the organization.

Explain:Did the interview reflect the dynamics of transformational change in complex systems in the change mastery questions?

This is the last assessment that is related to your leadership interviews. For this assessment, use the narrative and summary of your interviews to complete the following analysis: Leadership theory: Summarize the leadership theory that you used to develop your interview questions. Analyze how the questions you asked and the data you collected during the […]

Explain How the role and nature of the organisation affected the leadership approach.

The assignment carries a possible 60% of the overall module weighting (available marks). Your assignment should be 2,500 words in length (10% allowance), appropriately referenced using the Harvard Reference Style. This assignment is split into two parts: Section 1: (approx. 1250 Words) This first is a reflective activity which requires you to critically examine a […]

Discuss the behaviors that DPC’s leaders need to exhibit to ensure a positive and successful cultural shift for the long-term.

Analyze leadership and management roles in change management Evaluate different change management models. Examine various roles in change management. Analyze methods for understanding and mapping change in an organization. Critique strategies for removing barriers to change. Examine leadership’s role in executing successful change. You serve as the change leader for Delta Pacific Company (DPC). Up […]