Describe the historical aviation activity at the airport.

This paper is mandatory meaning a final course grade of F will be received for this course if it is not submitted. Conduct a capacity and site selection study at Deer Valley Airport, Phoenix, Arizona. You should do the following: 1. Describe the historical aviation activity at the airport. 2. Develop a forecast of total […]

Discuss how the 1937 Nanjing Massacre (or, the Rape of Nanjing) led to the establishment of the system of Comfort Stations.

Discuss how the 1937 Nanjing Massacre (or, the Rape of Nanjing) led to the establishment of the system of “Comfort Stations.” What were the problems that the Japanese government and military leaders found in Japanese soldiers’ randomly raping local Chinese women or using the services provided by Chinese prostitutes? How did the use of the […]

How does America define race in the early part of 20th century.

Based on Documentary Race:Power of illusion episode 3 answer the following questions : 1. Hows does Pierre Bourdieu define “habitus” ? could America’s legal and social framework depicted in the documentary- about race from habitus? Give 3 examples to support your thesis and discuss how the examples contribute to formation of habitus. 2. In the […]

Identify and analyze how these disruptive forces are impacting organizations to mitigate risks and plan for the future.

This module has addressed the various disruptive forces that are reshaping the way business is conducted in the 21st century. Businesses need to be able to identify and analyze how these disruptive forces are impacting their organization to mitigate risks and plan for the future. The social, economic, and political impacts of these disruptive forces […]

Drawing on recent publications, find a case study in which changes in the macro environment play a major role in influencing a firm’s competitive strategy. Contrast this with a second case in which micro factors play a more important role.

Font: Times new roman. • Font size: 12. • double space. • Align text to both the left and right margins. • Number the pages. • Word limit is 2000 words (text body only, +/- 10%); references are not included in word count. • Marks will be awarded for the content, clarity, style, focus, creativity, […]