Critically analyse a variety of ideas, contexts and frameworks associated with business research.

Description Students complete a tutor-supplied research proposal template outlining a chosen research question, aims and planned methodology with reference to ethical processes. In addition to the above please ensure that you:- Critically analyse a variety of ideas, contexts and frameworks associated with business research. Demonstrate a detailed knowledge and understanding of the significance and limitations […]

What has been your greatest learning moment that has affected the way you lead?

How would you describe your leadership style? What do you value most as a leader? How do you get others to accept your ideas? What are the most difficult decisions to make? How do you encourage the development of your employees/those you lead? What has been your greatest learning moment that has affected the way […]

Review strategies for effective liaison between professionals involved in inclusive practice

Description 6.4.1 Review key features and benefits of an inclusive learning environment 6.4.2 Analyse ways to promote equality and value diversity 6.4.3 Analyse ways to promote inclusion 6.4.4 Review strategies for effective liaison between professionals involved in inclusive practice The student should complete an essay discussing the key features and benefits of an inclusive learning […]

Discuss Do existing plans for learning need to be amended in light of required evaluation?

Prepare an L&D plan for a post-apprenticeship programme at Airbus UK (any apprenticeship programme/area within the UK, as described in that website); Note down information that might be relevant to carrying out a learning needs analysis. You are to devise an L&D plan (presented in a table)- for a new L&D programme at Airbus UK […]

Identify, in your own words, one point made in the article that you agree with or disagree with. Explain why.

GUIDELINES:Step 1Read the article “Learning to be an advocate for my special needs child” by clicking on the link located in theassignmentfolder.Step 2Answer the following 2questions: 1.Identify, in your own words, one point made in the article that you agree with or disagree with. Explain why. 2.Discuss how you will use what you learned by […]

Discuss how would you help them think about the learning outcomes? What would you recommend to decide on one modality or another to achieve the learning outcomes?

Please see the attachment for response : As you respond to your peers, as a fellow educator, how would you help them think about the learning outcomes? What would you recommend to decide on one modality or another to achieve the learning outcomes?

Review key features and benefits of an inclusive learning environment

6.4.1 Review key features and benefits of an inclusive learning environment 6.4.2 Analyse ways to promote equality and value diversity 6.4.3 Analyse ways to promote inclusion 6.4.4 Review strategies for effective liaison between professionals involved in inclusive practice The student should complete an essay discussing the key features and benefits of an inclusive learning environment. […]

Review the impact of personal, social and cultural factors on learning

6.1.1 Review the impact of personal, social and cultural factors on learning 6.1.2 Review the impact of different cognitive, physical and sensory abilities on learning The student should complete a brief essay reviewing personal, social, cultural factors which impact on learning, and also different cognitive, physical and sensory abilities which impact on learning (500 words […]

• Which kind of evaluation process would you utilize the most in your classroom (formative, summative, norm-referenced, or criterion-referenced), and how would you implement in your classroom? • How would you utilize authentic, portfolio, and/or performance assessments in your classroom? Consider the age group you plan to work with and provide examples. • As an intentional teacher, why do you feel that assessment is important for student AND teacher accountability?

Assessment and Accountability Based on this week’s chapter and videos, please discuss the importance of evaluation in student learning. When answering this question, be sure to address the following in your response: • Which kind of evaluation process would you utilize the most in your classroom (formative, summative, norm-referenced, or criterion-referenced), and how would you […]