Explain How can you evaluate students learning regarding ekg rhythms besides using a rhythm test?

Write 1 to 2 paragraphs for each question. APA format. references must be within the last 5 years. 1. How can you evaluate students learning regarding ekg rhythms besides using a rhythm test? 2. What other assessments could an instructor use besides the ASSCF, SOAP, and CINS in a clinical area?

Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #1 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?

Decision #1 Which decision did you select? Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources. What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources. Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with […]

Identify a classroom management model/theory that best aligns with your philosophy. Describe the key points of this model/theory. Explain how the theory aligns with your philosophy.

Create a Positive Learning Framework Plan. The Positive Learning Framework Plan will be based on your knowledge of and reflection on various approaches to classroom management and your ownexperiences. There are five (5) sections to include in your Positive Learning Framework Plan. Part 1: Positive Learning Framework Philosophy (700 words) Describe your Positive Learning Framework […]

What is your predominant learning style? What areas need to be balanced? How would you provide your students with a balanced learning experience? Can you think of activities that will do this?Think of an activity that would appeal to adults for each type of learning style, i.e., one activity for active, one for a reflective, one for intuitive, and so on.

120-hour Advanced TESOL Certificate ©2019 by Coventry House International -Ontesol28 QUESTION 1:Mind maps and SQ3R(Word count: minimum 400) How would you apply this knowledge (Mind maps and SQ3R) to help your students develop their language and study skills?Here are some guidelines to help you answer this question.Briefly describe the steps for each of the techniques(Mind […]

Explain How did the visual representations assist in analyzing the data? What did the data reveal?

Assignment: Methodology: Collecting and Analyzing Data The next two parts of your Action Research Project essay center on methodology. For Part F, you focus on what data you collected, why you chose them, and the process you followed while collecting and analyzing your data. Part of that process includes the collaboration that occurred as you […]

Explain the greatest “learning” point of this course for you.  If you were exposed to a new topic that you found of value, please describe it.

1. Recovery entails bringing after incident situations to a point of “normalcy.”   define in your opinion what you consider “normal” and the closure of an incident. 2.  Please explain the greatest “learning” point of this course for you.  If you were exposed to a new topic that you found of value, please describe it. 3. […]

Evaluate the effectiveness of measurements used for a distance learning module in the training and development program.

Requirements For this assessment, complete the following: Describe the information conveyed to trainees in the distance learning module. Articulate how a distance learning module fits into the overall training program design. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of distance learning on an organization’s training strategy. Illustrate how practice and feedback are incorporated to measure the transfer […]

Briefly discuss the benefits of implementing this idea/strategy for students’ learning and their psychological development.

Select an idea/concept/strategy (or several interrelated ideas) in the assigned reading(s) that, in your view, is the most important one and that can be implemented in classroom teaching, and explain in your own words why you think this idea or strategy is important for teachers. Give a specific example of such implementation – describe how […]

What does this reading teach me about the teaching and learning? What can I take away from this reading to apply in my classroom? What questions does it raise for me?

In this course, you are going to read/listen/watch a wide range of research into the core concepts, skills, strategies, and pedagogies we will be exploring in order to develop a deeper understanding (deep learning). To capture and focus your understanding, you will create entries in your Reading/Viewing Journal for each resource you interact with. Your […]