Determine appropriate strategies for acquiring qualified talent, and explain how the strategiessupport organizational goals.

OL 600Milestone One Guidelines and RubricEmployee Engagement and RetentionOverview: For this first milestone, due in Module Three, you will analyze HR strategic engagement initiatives for attracting, retaining, and rewarding employees. The four critical element focus on talent acquisition, employee engagement and retention, learning anddevelopment, and total rewards.Prompt:Refer to the chapter readings and module resources to […]

Why would a counselor outside the school system need to keep up to date with the most commonly used tests as well?Discuss

Discussion Topic Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Much assessment of learning disorders and other disabilities that impact learning are assessed by psychologists and counselors in the school system. Why would a counselor outside the school system need to keep up to date with the most commonly used tests as well? […]

Explain,Were you surprised by the results? Why or why not? Describe two ways that you can utilize these results to help you be successful in your courses as you learn new material.

Most people have a preferred way that they like to learn. Recognizing your preferred learning style will help you determine how to study new material more effectively. Click on the link and complete the assessment to determine your learning style(s):(opens in a new window). Review the results from your learning style assessment. You may find […]

Demonstrate the use of current technologies for use in online learning.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to write a scholarly paper. To do this you will need to apply the information learned in this module about APA formatting and using the College’s library resources. The grading rubric focuses on the application of APA formatting to ensure that students learn the fundamental skills they will […]

Discuss the concept of learning styles, personalities, and how these concepts are combined with adult learning in organizational training and development programs.

Once the training analysis is completed, the organization and employee development human resources specialist uses adult learning theories to turn the training needs into training materials, courses, and instructional design. Address the following elements of understanding the adult learning model: 1. Explain the theories of adult learning principles. 2. Compare the differences between child/adolescent and […]

Discuss,Develop an introduction explaining the context of your lesson plans and a conclusion summarizing anticipated outcomes for each age level.

Curriculum Activity: Social and Emotional Development Design an individualized, responsive, developmentally appropriate lesson plan for the social and emotional development of an infant (birth to twelve months), a toddler (twelve months through two years), and a preschooler (three through four years) in a template of your choice. • Create a lesson plan template of your […]

What is your opinion of the material presented in these articles and why do you feel this way?

After reading and considering the three articles on Learning Styles located on Moodle, write a 2-3 page reflection. Below are some prompts to help stoke thought- • What information is new or surprising to you? • What is your opinion of the material presented in these articles and why do you feel this way? • […]

Which of the data visualizations was most powerful for you? Why? How can a powerful presentation of data affect learning and understanding?

Topic: 1-2 Discussion: Data Visualization Video Paper details: Watch the video The Best Stats You’ve Ever Seen. Which of the data visualizations was most powerful for you? Why? How can a powerful presentation of data affect learning and understanding?

What are some factors that could negatively impact your ability to pay attention?

Subject: Psychology Topic: Learning and Cognition Paper details: Discuss the aspects of attention that occur while playing video games. What are some factors that could negatively impact your ability to pay attention? Provide both personal examples and research citations to support your answer

Examine advanced nursing practice competencies and reflect on your strengths and challenges related to the competencies. In light of your reflection, you will consider how this course may help you attain your career goals or objectives.

For this Discussion, you will examine advanced nursing practice competencies and reflect on your strengths and challenges related to the competencies. In light of your reflection, you will consider how this course may help you attain your career goals or objectives. To prepare: Review the Learning Resources for this week, specifically the advanced nursing practice […]