Briefly describe an EVENT in which you used or practiced the skill

KSA FORM. Problem Solving KSA APPLICATION FORM KNOWLEDGE Include the key points of Knowledge you learned from the lecture and readings this week: SKILL(s) Explain in your own words how to use the skill(s) presented: ABILITY Briefly describe an EVENT in which you used or practiced the skill. For confidentiality of others, change the names […]

Write a perception check for each of the three situations.

Question Below are three short situations. Revisit the 3-step perception checking model in the lecture on perception, and write how YOU in this situation would use a perception check. Write a perception check for each of the three situations. Type your answers into a Word document. One of your company’s regular clients has stopped ordering […]

What is one intelligence/skill in Howard Gardner’s theory that you believe you excel in?

Do You Believe There Are Multiple Types of Intelligence? Directions You will need to read the chapter and listen to the lecture on intelligence before you can reply to this post. In your post, reflect on and answer the following questions: Howard Gardner believes there are at least 8 different types of […]

Explain 3 benefits you think you might gain from your chosen area of improvement?

Marketing Assignment 2 Part 1: Watch the video below called ‘Body Language’ It is a 20 minute video and worth watching. After watching the video identify one valuable takeaway you got from this talk. /amy_cuddy_your_body_language_may_shape_who_you_are?language=en Part 2: Instructor Lecture 2  on the subject of non-verbal communication, consider your own personal non-verbal communication style and […]

If you were told that you had three months to live how would you live those three months?

WK 2 Watch the movie The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch.Share your reaction to this movie. If you were told that you had three months to live how would you live those three months? Are there any final things you would like to say to anyone? Are there any relationships you would like to address? […]

Discuss your own political involvement, specifically two areas where you have done something and two areas where you feel you should be involved more.

Exam 3 Expect to write 2 -3 pages for the exam. Your answer should be in essay format; write complete sentences and properly address the question. Students must directly reference course materials in their answer by quoting each of the following in their answer (lecture notes, book information, videos, and online discussions) to inform their […]

Write these instructions for a general reader where no experience is required to perform the job?

The purpose of the Informative Essay assignment is to choose a job or task that you know how to do and then write a 3 full-page Informative Essay teaching the reader how to do that job or task. You will follow the organization techniques explained in Unit 6. Here are the details: 1. Read the […]

As a healthcare provider, how would you approach a patient or client who came to you with this diet and wanted to follow it?

Choose a current popular diet you have heard or read about. Describe the diet. (What does it allow / not allow? What rules must be followed?) Describe what makes it a “fad diet”? (Consider the video and information in your textbook / lecture this week) Is this diet healthy? Balanced? Dangerous? As a healthcare provider, […]