Discuss how the legacy of the First World War overshadowed or informed decisions made by the Western Allies and the resulting appeasement strategy that was developed during the 1930s.

This is for a discussion board. For history they use CMS Chicago Manual Style of formatting. Discuss how the legacy of the First World War overshadowed or informed decisions made by the Western Allies and the resulting appeasement strategy that was developed during the 1930s. Was it a logical strategy in the face of this […]

Discuss how you would analyze and provide a recommendation on the type of ERP architecture to use in your organization.

Enterprise Resource Planning Discussion: ERP Architectures Enterprises are mostly comprised of many applications that are either custom-built, acquired from a third party, or are from a legacy system. You work for an organization that has a combination of all three of these applications. This obviously presents an integration challenge as you prepare to recommend an […]

Discuss the lasting impact of Supreme Court appointments and why this power is important to the legacy of individual presidents.

Discuss the lasting impact of Supreme Court appointments and why this power is important to the legacy of individual presidents. Your support should come from class materials, but you may choose to include comparisons to our modern government as well.  

Using at least FIVE of the sources you have encountered after the midterm explain, what is the legacy of Western Civilization?

1. Using at least FIVE of the sources (2 primary and 3 secondary) you have encountered after the midterm explain, what is the legacy of Western Civilization? For this question focus on modern Western Civilization, post-1850. 2. Using at least FIVE of the sources (2 primary and 3 secondary) you have encountered after the midterm, […]

Explain What is the proper legacy of the Progressive Movement?

Description What is the proper legacy of the Progressive Movement? To answer this question, consider: When did it begin, who were its leaders, and what were its objectives? Was it necessary – why or why not? Was it a successful period in American history – why or why not? Does it have any connection to […]

What does it mean to be a mother, father, parent, daughter, son, child, sister, brother, sibling, woman, man, person? To what extent do these roles require (or assume, expect, impose, demand) the carrying-out of certain functions? To what extent do these roles require (or assume, expect, impose, demand) certain personality traits (be they genuine or affected)?

Duty, gender, family. As they consider the demands of social, legal, political, cultural, religious, etc., obligation (or the absence thereof), figures in Apology, Crito, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone reckon also with the demands of familial, domestic, household, etc., obligation (or the absence thereof). They reckon with the question of how these […]

What are two social equity issues discussed in the Levittown documentary?

The assignment is to watch the full-length documentary (approximately 60 min) and prepare a written assignment following the prompts below. Length: 250-500 words 1. Provide an overview of the documentary. 2. What are two social equity issues discussed in the Levittown documentary? You can reference the article, Social Equity: Its Legacy, Its Promise, for guidance. […]

Analyze the argument presented by Durkheim: What are its strengths? What are its weaknesses? What is its legacy (i.e., its impact on subsequent research on suicide as well as upon efforts to combat this problem)?

While it is important that you summarize the key ideas expressed in the book, your review should be more than a synopsis of the points made in this work. You should also analyze the argument presented by Durkheim: What are its strengths? What are its weaknesses? What is its legacy (i.e., its impact on subsequent […]