Explain how three of the following elements can affect estimate of loss reserve.

Assignment Question(s):     Q1. Structures of insurance companies’ financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statements) vary than structures the non insurance organization due to the unique features of the insurance companies. Give a sample of the structures for any selected Saudi insurance company’ financial statements and explain the rational for classifying balance […]

Explain how three of the following elements can affect estimate of loss reserve.

Assignment Question(s):                                                     Q1. Structures of insurance companies’ financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statements) vary than structures the non- insurance organization due to the unique features of the insurance companies. Give a sample of the structures for any selected Saudi insurance company’ financial statements and explain the rational for classifying […]

Brief history of special education before the 1970’s and from the 1970’s to present day referencing appropriate judicial decisions.

Special Education Law NEW YORK: 1)Brief history of special education before the 1970’s and from the 1970’s to present day referencing appropriate judicial decisions. 2)Brief description of two court cases about parental rights and students educational rights such as FERPA, IDEA, or rights of students in public charter schools or private schools. 3)At least 3-4 […]