Analyze your audience, and think about how you can use ethos, pathos, and logos to appeal to your audience.

Question Beginning your assignment: At the invention stage of the essay, free write on your topic to help find focus and possible points to support your topic. Consider the angle of vision you will take on your subject. What solution or position will you take on the problem or topic? Analyze your audience, and think […]

What are your thoughts on the legalization of marijuana?

CJA 443 W2 DB Question 1: How does affirmative action laws affect policing? Do they improve policing? How or how not? Question 2: Review why the legalization of marijuana in several states is forcing many police leaders to modify their views and practices regarding its use. What are your thoughts on the legalization of marijuana? […]

What are the rules and regulations around qualifications?

As more and more states legalized the path to legalization has been wildly different, as you have seen so far in this course, this also varies significantly at the local level. Using the research you conducted for the this weeks discussion you are going to create a memo to a potential investor for […]

Do you support incarceration, treatment, or legalization to address the current drug problem?

Drugs and Youth QUESTION 1: Why do you think that drug use is so popular among youth? QUESTION 2: In terms of trying to find solutions to the youth drug problem, do you support incarceration, treatment, or legalization to address the current drug problem?support your discussion with research sources, and examples.

What level of government should regulate these issues-Are decisions on these issues better placed in the hands of the states or of the federal government-Why? Provide evidence of additional research on your issues.

Discussion 3 Consider at least 2 of the following issues: legalization of drugs, educational standards, welfare, environmental regulation and enforcement, same sex marriage, and abortion. What level of government should regulate these issues? Are decisions on these issues better placed in the hands of the states or of the federal government? Why? Provide evidence of […]

Do you like eye contact that the presenter gives-Start looking at your audience-Do you like videos-images that grab your attention?

Abortion Legalization Though it is possibly one of the most feared experiences while in college, students are repeatedly asked to get up in front of a group of their peers and present information in a coherent, cohesive, and interesting manner. Despite all of the practice we often get in presenting during college, it is always […]

Write a critical thinking and research paper on a contemporary issue involving the current Legal and Illegal Drugs and Pharmaceuticals debate.

Topic and instructions. Legal and Illegal Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Write a critical thinking and research paper on a contemporary issue involving the current Legal and Illegal Drugs and Pharmaceuticals debate. Use course textbook “1984” and “Thinking for Yourself” as well as at least four outside sources from your own research. Use relevant quotes from course […]

Give a personal narrative to demonstrate the importance of moderation. Explain how your personal narrative teaches a lesson about moderation

Albert Einstein famously said, “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” I think that this quote perfectly sums up the marijuana debate so far in the U.S., in that to continue doing what we have been in terms of criminalization would be insane, but so would our ignoring […]