What can nurses do to positively influence healthcare policies?

Reflection Paper 2 Students will write 2-3 Full Page Paper (excluding title page and references page) about a contemporary topic that affects nursing or nursing students. Suggested Topics Climate change as a health care priority Social determinants of health What can nurses do to positively influence healthcare policies? Access to health care in medically underserved […]

Comparative between Saudi Arabia and Philippines in regards of institutions and how it related to the legitimacy

Topic: Comparative between Saudi Arabia and Philippines in regards of institutions and how it related to the legitimacy write about the flowing points Their institutions foundation and how this relates to legitimacy Political vs. economic institutions Inclusive vs. extractive institutions Formal vs. informal institutions  

Analyze how the specific issue influences the overall domestic context of the state.

Topic: comparative domestic context Participants will be expected to analyze a specific state’s domestic context utilizing two tools or approaches introduced in the course. (Geography, State Capacity, Political Systems and Government Structure, Economic System, Institutions and Legitimacy) in an analytical paper of between 800-1,200 words. Specifically, participants are required to assess how these influence the […]

Summarize the purpose of the article, point, or argument that the author is attempting to make.

nursing and conflict management Read three scholarly articles on nursing and conflict management. Complete an annotated bibliography by summarizing and critically analyzing each article separately (250–300 words for each article’s annotated bibliography). For each article, determine the following: Select relevant sources. Summarize the purpose of the article, point, or argument that the author is attempting […]

Who is responsible for establishing new peacekeeping operations around the world-Who renews these missions or closes them?

Blue Helmet UN Peacekeeping helps countries navigate the difficult path from conflict to peace. The UN has unique strengths, including legitimacy, burden sharing, and an ability to deploy troops and police from around the world, integrating them with civilian peacekeepers to address a range of mandates. Do you think they are successful operations? Pick one […]

Would you make the same choice now-What specific evidence/learnings in the course can you point to that affirm your original selection? I

Follow up to state strength and legitimacy Chapter one of the textbook discussed three broad answers to the question of what explains political behavior: individual motivation, culture and ideology, and underlying structures. In our initial discussion in week one, you were asked to describe which of these three was most intuitively appealing to you. Would […]

Discuss the ways the system (“system” is used broadly) can reduce false convictions to ensure due process and legitimacy.

Innocence Files View at least 3 Innocence Files documentaries on Netflix. One of the documentaries must be Season 1, Episode 6 – the story is rooted in Richmond, Virginia. Having watched at least 3 episodes, write a research paper addressing the following prompt: Discuss the ways the system (“system” is used broadly) can reduce false […]

Does democracy contribute to the legitimacy of the state?Discuss

Description There are two parts to this TMA. Part 1: (60 per cent of the mark for this assignment) Does democracy contribute to the legitimacy of the state? Word limit: 1,500 words Part 2: (40 per cent of the mark for this assignment) In what ways should citizens participate in a democracy? Word limit: 1,000 […]

When prepairing for a negotiation, what is essential v. Non-essential?a. Prepare a press release on the negotiation b. Identify the “negotiation set” c. “Assess the other negotiator’s prefrences” d. Find areas for linkages and tradeoffs between your preferences and your counterpart’s. e. Prioritize issues in terms of most to least controversial..Discuss

When prepairing for a negotiation, what is essential v. Non-essential? (Select all essentials) a. Prepare a press release on the negotiation b. Identify the “negotiation set” c. “Assess the other negotiator’s prefrences” d. Find areas for linkages and tradeoffs between your preferences and your counterpart’s. e. Prioritize issues in terms of most to least controversial […]

Pick one election where the outcome of the popular vote and the electoral college vote differed to create an argument in favor of or opposed to the use of the electoral college. List at least three valid points to support your argument.

Description Instructions The Electoral College was created to protect US citizens against mob rule. Mob rule is the control of a lawful government system by a mass of people through violence and intimidation. However, some Americans question the legitimacy of this process. Pick one election where the outcome of the popular vote and the electoral […]